PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004530.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

Embargoed until 7.00 p. m. Broadcast 3HA 30 October
3YB 3 November
Australians go to the polls this December to vote for a Government
to lead Australia in the years ahead.
Voters face a clear choice. It is a choice between the kind of
Government and the kind of economic management that Australia
requires to keep Australia's steady recovery on course. It is
not just a choice between two different policy documents. It is
a very real and fundamental choice about the kind of Australia
we want.
Do we want big Government control and socialist policies or do
we want a Goverment that cherishes and understands the place of
the individual-i-n-the. -cmmunity? What I am saying is that
ultimately, this election is all about deciding on the kind of
Australia we want to live in in the years ahead.
During the coming weeks, Australians will hear and read a great
deal about unemployment, inflation, other econbmic mXatters, and
industrial relations. There is no doubt that the management of
Australia's economy will be a key issue in the weeks leading up
to December 10. I and the Government team face the electorate
squarely in the face. We have an outstanding record of achievement
in our fight against inflation.
Australia's inflation rate is now at around 9% and is continuing
to steadily fall. Let us never forget that we have reduced inflation
to this level from Labor's disastrous peak of 19.3% just three
years ago. We have more than halved Labor's rate. As inflation
comes down and it is not coincidental there are clear and
positive -s: gns-. of-a-major-. lif-t-in-pzi-vate-investment plans just
ahead. This is good news for Australia. It is good news for
those seeking jobs. On top of that, we have been seeing for
several weeks now the early stages of what could be a substantial
and sustained fall in interest rates.
In short, in two years we have laid the foundation from which longterm
prosperity will develop. It is absolutely vital for Australia
that current policies are continued. It is vital that Australian
and overseas businesses know that for at least several years ahead
we will have stable Government and continuing sound economic
management. Alt is

It is importan t thatinflation should keep falling, that interest
rates keep coming down, that consumption rises, and that investment
spending continues in a climate of certainty. The reason
these conditions are required is that it is the only way to have
higher employment, and lower unemployment.
Unemployment is a severe problem. Too many Australians who want
to work cannot get jobs. The reasons are complex. What is clear,
however, is that Governments need to develop a sympathetic and
sensitive response to the problem. Money alone the ' cash to
splash' disease will not solve the problem. Look what happened
when Labor increased Government expenditure by 46% in one year
unemployment went up by almost 200,000.
We have shown sensitivity and concern for unemployed Australians.
Not only have we dramatically reduced Australia's annual rate of
inflation and given business an incentive to employ, but we have
also set up or expanded a number of imaginative manpower training
programmes. All told, the Budget provides $ 102.7 million for employment
training programmes this year, which is an increase of 33% over
last year.. More will be spent if necessary, because no eligible
unemployed person will be refused assistance under these programmes.
Already over 122,000 people mainly young Australians -have
benefitted from these programmes.
We have faced up to our responsibilities. We will continue to show
concern for Australians who cannot find jobs. We will continue with
practical policies that demonstrate tha-E concern. At the same time
we will continue. . to.. devxe lop policies that encourage Australian
industry and business to create new jobs. There is no doubt our
policies will create conditions where more Australians who want to
work will find jobs. From February onwards, unemployment in
Australia will fall in a steady and sustained way.
I am certain that Australians do prefer the path of sound economic
management, the path of steady progress. That is what we have given.
That is what we offer. We have demonstrated our ability to come to
grips with the economic problems that were a tragic legacy of the
Labor experiment.
Labor's so-called. economic management-brought Australia to the
brink of bankruptcy., It split city and country with repercussions
thrat will take years to mend. It eroded the fabric of our society.
Aus-tralians-will-ne-ver again risk the Government of their country
to the men i3n the . Labar Party-who almost wrecked it.