PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004529.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

EMBARGO: 9.00 p. m.
F ORP~ zS,. 29 OCTIOBETR 3. D77
Betwen now ankd De~ qenbi:_ I10, the Yawig Liberal Miovement, the
winningn~ heGve~ ethv grga callenge to imeet
wi~ niagthe e.& ction zo ttwecan cor~ tinua iai our objective of
making Auatxalia-u xtter . aca to live -for -all Austxaliaw.
:' We are goizg to. t , i e2. ect; onzo w Z~ mna ~ sn.
the f! t -placa-x. le 7xera c~~ te to synchronising the House of
a e& t a . ectipons., H~ aving sizultazxeous
electionz . bas _, ccen supported by. 4 gratm-~ ajoity 621% -OZ the
a lectora at '> Ma y relredum. sixy-ibi P~ rcent of South
Australians -, oted for ii -inma. .4A1 the Paties in the
Pedr-Par~ annt.-1: aaze tat th. lecios. sitould ha synchro~ ised A
an& I LLI c Oi iven.,, thir. COmmflltment, we had
achoice Barcween goin. tO a eletion.' in: Daenber this yeiAr, or
ni Ai ~~ yl~ 8 o 1, tnsp ain of just four to five.~
zonth Chooair. g between thegatwo. optionn wars not easy. Wb~ t
y ; made ouz -i nds pp-wa the. Tedto give people the cexa* ta inty 7
that. our * Policiz3 would ; nt e:' t Ju~ t for 20W. x or live -zonth) s,
y, 7o1 2t D
al101 z_! tiengtnh ofA 2 7ustzalia = xecovex ;-ully, anr
~ O pOg mñ~. oyent-n ( In tL. i~ s is a Vi. L
71' t~--. t4 a o confidence AW, 0=
po_ C ! beoSe h~ ith!& -cordidenceD. this
All 1t11ns iz aidghjryl alt. a. timaq wheni school leavers willI
shoU-. e se-igto einte~ r t ; e work forC.
Tha Dee~~ c ea nd1 ueraintyr. and give the economy
Z1 07 ea = izx. a to caz2l, the xecovery now under way.
The izsua4 in -h-a -z1ection ars c ca. in Australia Coday?. there
a i. eTf .01112 iZt '-he ol Oicio o,-
c7A4z; r. li i~ c. ytot juot a choice betweem wo olc.
~ 2C'C's ~ vzYr~,-7; choioe uabout . k-Ind of i4ustraid
-we wwari. / I think

I mz-iank kn. ow che-ontirns. But It is wo~ thwhile stopping zuid
th i7 1, C-' ga~ uc thesr4 _,:; ucts again. Does Australia want Jbig
Gove= r= zen,' where~ Coverraacrat influence is -maximnised, or does
Autal wnt a 6Goverr~ ment that is cornitted to mxinum individual.
choice and = esponsibility. Does Australia want an all-powerful,
alI-knowi~ ~ er~ a -Or does PAUstralia want a Govern-jimrit C~~
to keeping tbe process: L3oi Government' close to the people? You know
the arnewera.. You -know *. what this Party and this G&. rernmnet stand for.
T'hat is precisely-why each o~ o of you and -my Paliamnentary
collcagitaz and I ! ave a rezponsibiity to convince people that
the choice we. offer. is the ri~ jh olia. That. is a task for ail of us -th
-zeikret,* the Zhe party and the" Yomrg Liberal Novaient. We
all have a repniblt to =, kae it perfectly clear to our friends,
our-wor= atzs exai -what wpe ztand-for. They -should also understand
what our opponents stand for. I
In the last. two yezxs,, the ILiberal. Governm~ ent has achieved things
of' which you-can be have.. somethinq wr' 1 arguing aot
soimethinq worth 2tn2~ up ior. Do ' not Yahy away about declaring
your stand, about; dclarc1ng . our politiics. -Do not be hesitant
, about:-the achieve. mens -of a : Liberal*-Goarment,.*
y'ou. kUovy he œ dsnd 0o 9r-Oblems. that tbri M tiort asked us to tackle
j~ s twntt~ o ago. Yfou B~ 1o w -them, because you
eaxpcxlancad t; 1z l . ives. *. Auzrtralia had been through
zyn* extLaordlnz'I ey rxi t. ' M was an experiment by a Government
diedto . a 1itaIf inIto people. s lives, at whatever the cost.
ilofle' di attez to Lab mc; -Xesponsibil ity id niot4-matter;
; AUSt% I-a d. ij not: matter; ur.? ower anid control did matter.
We' took -oi th~ e -great-Qack--. ihen Atistralia was almost ' at the point
of-no return. Our aconomy Ia"' collapsed,. the Zabric off our society
was being e~-oded, our-national resilien ee was -tested as it never
jaad been. We wtae at the crossroads.
da, rieV? ii 3: eiuw Poeov? i.~ Lee 33novw that we have
~ ac cth~~: cd&~ iade no alibis. We d& aI not
2Acn~ z-nd i t w. oud ELI, wozk out.
o~~ 7 re-lor. A3 our= leva zeformis, arnd
Z2~ uvzc-; Onuzr the i ' dixridua and for those in ne~ ed
~ z. s r~~ ain ack to ie
Uu~, _ 70s. c~ c too Lohievewn7, s of -4hls Goverrieent.
neeww 44 L koz the hadcapd Reforms to
-Ct% Ombudsmtan, the Admin. itrative
Za, a,-zit'), r-Cucrticdeisi~ ons,
..~ JCZu~ LZ0 -z~ cuz2Ltyj A pels Tribunal.
y; 5~~~ L~ to ga exploration
~~~~ hich ws give -p-eople more
O nsuze -_ 13oislines
Z; oir ce_
c-*; C-Lcce in. riat Lasuz2Yce;
oi~: 2O5Z~ 2bulatao ox un~ li elections.
/ There

Ther Lz y more e4ih h-ave assisted ethnic
z~ z pr~ ducers,. -am-all buiesmn ocal goverrnaent
anid I-inical education. 7They have givan Australians new
coniiceence in the ILuture and today we have established the
gr~ d; oundwork froisiwhich-lo forgek abead. and take. advantage
-A -raliaI's great-potential.'
pro" z. a th -iO Un~ i It wa3 a evr
Z. L iTihii on , ear. The Wh-aitlaan La~ bor Gcv nmmat: created an
Chroxa, 0 znd . exio~ as w plo:; qent in Austrai. That
* Goveznxazt3 ziae c1 -ot w yeas., tuirned two decades oi
2' all cTiet c rezLd ar~ 2aintined by. successive
Liea", n. ftO a. 3eicus-. ,8 entirell zJoid~ cl econozic
t~ c~ T0 ' ain-y. iw who Want to
Will no. Sleth zl'
b y. 4 5j iz Y., 2! Lr ? zic ' Jazuay -7 to* aau~ 1975.
151, 0.30 La~ r paice ad iut" Loduced the
in~ it; LA" I a wid d% ~ edited R. B. D. wheme Labor tbemzelves
~~ ppd spn~~ oa Zat. program .1a 1975.
i~ o xc~~ th siho csted job.,, hd it is not j at
0 th ce.' tiori of mew jobs it loses Jobs that
zcaa tro~ a '. at i3th-its Saaw uw; flte and unived
ncvyth Vl-? zsug ast at it bac the zo. luton to
u z~ Ci e ~ to * o3i. L ee. t In th
note?~.; A ra. z~ wLag
ba . e. o * a e
-A . u i tala ' allS.
" d

w11c hve got in-lation now rundinq at an annual zate of about
9f. _ Al it still coming down. That -, eans that business wiil
become more pxoiitable, it will expand, and-it will increase its
work force.
The problem of unemployment cannot-be tackled in-any meaningful
way if inflation is allowed to keep galloping along. At the same
ti-me as we bave been fighting against inflation, we have responded
to -amenploymnt iz a seiitv and responsivr_ way. We ' have not
told the young men and wornan lookig Qrjobs: " Hang on until we
solve -te~~ inpol~. Wa-have introduceda anumber of new
progznez to provide inimeiate I-elp to -the unemployed. we have
se-: up or expa~ dea manpower -I stppose t. hey should. be called
' personpower' trai-ning po aes ldi9. BATDa
special youth eirplo', yment scheme,. the Coimnity YXouth Support
Scheme, relocation assistance, an& the C. R. A. F. T. schene for
apprentices. More.. than-122,000 Austral ians. mainily young
Austral. ians have already banafitted-fromn these schemes.
? urt'-her, in the last Budget, the Governientmnade $ 10227 m. illion
availabl. e to cornt-izue and support. tbese.. progra ea. This is a
33t increase oveaxsIat yezx. -i~ ore -will. be spez-4, if neces3ary,
because no eligi b! ca-n=_ oyed person-will. be refused assist. ance
under these shi~
T'hese employn n tan~ poqramnes, hwvr axe not designe
to helip yo~ iiq people who lack basic skills. and who have low
otivacad 99I'sL2-eaies'm, a-nd -many young unemployed are likely
' t0 5tay u~ nemnployed 2Secause of t3hzlr lack ofm~ otivation and basic
Skills. ' PllI too-0 Ofter. a.'-. icious Circle is set up. I~ aniy children
leave School wiit: e. low : eval of literacy and n~ eracy. This
* lack o SUCCeSS at SC~ aC0ol is Often : oIIowed Up by a consegUeDt
lack of s~ ces at fai~ q or holding work, the outconr. a being
nieqa_-v_ attitudes towz dz to-k or se~ f-improvenent. The eucatioi-
% znOc w ~; t. xth3GVer-muent has irit-iat-ed is
ac neet " ce1rcs ~ acc L yo-Lvg ' Unelvoye6 PeoPp ~ y
c-1i~ vo~ io: aL-j ~ ucaioralco-arses -to assisc%-
',; iexaayy -d-n~ ezcy ea~ de6 in -tna
t~ ~~ x~ zia.& L tzoci o f ind -,* abie ~~ lvez
p_-, oz 7ez have ve;: I envoux-cjdnq, 4ind we are
rzi~ to caL. . hsiLiativa oo lu~ ng as young P-cple
U~ oc; 3nzmt i~ mt~ I ti---can be so" Ixee vii~
~ e hv-s ~ iic~ i Ztharwise, T2he band-aid appr-h will
z 01ns ~ O-ty haz . atrolved and in the
lo x '-ast. Z dza vaoped. Last September,
A-M -L
LZwtazu o Lahe Cld 0o: os eondary educzion.
a Th: u: vLzx~ zt Of its ki_-Txd for miore -thx-I t-en yeizs ia
C~ ~ fl ~ LZ~ T~ Ie Gover-AMen-z. beIL4ve'
that c~ t~ r~ ~ tie s.; uldbo wideupread. We baeisve
occu?& ti:. ilZ c-hoices should
zhi-! zackqround tha h CIte
is ccn ~ 4A~; iti6; LC C Xpect

to ciCm~ et June~ .73 We wiIYi not de~ ay in mak~ ing
decilsiorjs a. bot tis reports.
The O-iice oi Youth Affairs, which the Government: set up early
this year, will also look at the schooa/ waork tran ition issue
and will maR. a a -submission to the William Inquiiry. The Office,
under. xevi n Newmans guidance ancl with considerable input from
memhers such as Gx& Dt C ha7,= n, the Member for Kingston, has been
t~ iu -o& os. A an it. xecantly e~ aged in
a Pr:; c-Speak-easy" on your aocal rock mausi1c to
Yov~ ig and wozen phoned up the stationi with al ox-zO,,. Vv~ i aws
on tb2 = mp ymnexlt problem, The views put during thia project
were uuel along with other reports to iorm the basis of a.
question~ naire fox ear2y chool leaver~ s. This in turn w~ ill form
an i r~ jpazt of th& c Oiice' a submissiont to the Williams
Onlyr a few 4 ays ago, at thi4 Preiaiers Conferenmcep It was unaniously~ l
ac-ee a n _ cial Youth Epoe Tmsk Porce be set up i
eac-h Staie. Tiiat Task -? orce will p roztOt a = aJor cazpaign to
ericouragae5* 2. oyST -to make a special-effort to employ additional
youngi pcople f2rom iebeginning of.' 1 978. In addition, the
qual , Ifying er~ for the programme has been reduced
aI, to = n~ thu We have ixade œ undamental decisions that
will i the empo,, eznt16 prozpecto Zor thousands -of Atrlians
we iiaveaa ceI that arc eflective and t-bzt do' provide
on-~-~ o'tazzdstanocs! 5,, icruingj peoplels ski2r. and increasing
each~ jnvicual Is di~~ nity.
~ ehav eporsiblites. We will continue tCo
de nistr4ate concern : Autrala's .= nemployed and will conti~ ue
to de-ueop ce thLat enco-aage Australian inadustzy to create
new~ in ee~~-t-he of A. zrla have a clear choi ce-
U hat, -as tiiea an& again in
~ 2A ti~ ti i& ccilt t te hoaoA,.
~ r~ i ~ e.; CL2aL-, 17.-and the Li~ aezl Cov, cn-
LS1rXS t r-a~ i st~ zz 0" tIhiz choice ñ~ clezar to the uics
~ xl I~ 9pukli isor
ves. t ~ aalw-aws been a key in The e4-1 oZ
LolZ zhe highost oreler, a
o -be tbe Source 16. o czeaZ: V
t3& L-xu can: tcims ate rz
zz tL with young UtxU iLMZ. i
/ Zvary

Bvery Young Liberal in the room, every Australian.-Youq
Liberal, must umerstand that we will succeed asa Pa ty
a aa direct result of the work that. eac'i. one of you is
prepared to put into 9et in3 our ' polcias across. do
not = ake Ichat kind of stztczent lightly.
We ill succeed-on our achievements n4 our vision
Yor Australia, and on a public-understanding of oux achievements
and vision. .* Make: no inistaka.. * Australia is poised to
achieve our great potential.
,4e cannot achieve this potential under a Socialist Govenment.
We can only achieve it under a Govexnment that believes in the
place and, the role of the individual, which cares enough for
individual Australians to ensure that that potential, that
visiont'? becomes a eality.
' That Government is a Liberal Government.
* aks
aa~. lfl~ lflf fltt