PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00004519.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I would like to congratulate the Australian Academy of Technological
Sciences on holding its first invitation symposium.
The Academy' s inauguration in February 1976 was a significant
step forward for Australian technology, bringg tchiiologists
from all fields together at a time when the need for technological
skills and the challenge to apply them is greater than ever before.
The Academy of Technological Sciences, because of its membership,
its stature and its aims has a major role in ensuring that
sound judgement and foresight are corner-stones of technological
activity. We look to you to alert the Government and the
community to.. potentjal i -ti-es of technology and its pitfalls
in sufficient time to enable us to make an effective response.
This Symposium accords with the Academy's primary objective
of promoting Australia's application of scientific knowledge
to practical purposes, and providing a forum for advice and
discussion from which both Government and community may benefit.
I greatly welcome your decision to hold your first symposium on
energy. Energy is one of our most basic resources. It enables
materials to be transformed into the products upon which our culture
and economy is based. There are few matters as crucial to
Australia as the need to secure our future energy requirements.
The jobs, the incomes, the wellbeing of all Australians depend
in very large part on the capacity of technologists to respond
to this need.
Since coming to office we have set about building a national
energy policy many measures have been taken and there are more
to be taken. These measures are being integrated into a national
energy policy, mainly through the work of the National Energy
Advisory Committee, ASTEC and with the Statet through the
Minerals and Energy Council.
Measures we have taken include: foreign investment guidelines
which ensure that the search for and recovery of our fossil resources
is not hindered; the introduction and extension in time of a
forty percent investment allowance; phasing out of coal export levy;
extension of a significant range of income taxation incentives
designed to offer assistance in the financing of mining projects;

development of a suitable crude oil pricing policy to encourage
development of our known crude oil reserves and the exploration
for more oil; the decision to go ahead with the mining, milling
and export of uranium for peaceful purposes; the decision to
permit the export of substantial quantities of from the
North West ShelfJ, and other measures designed to ensure that this
development will be economically feasible; a development of
a nationwide cooperative energy conservation plan, particularly
with respect to liquid fuels;* the development of a realistic national
energy research and development programme; the development of plans
and programmes to ensure self-sufficiency in liquid fuels.
Four years ago, the OPEC countries increased the price of their oil.
The result was the so-called energy crisis, which delivered a
shock to the world, and particularly to western Europe and Japan
which rely so heavily on imported oil. The crisis was also a
warning that oil is a limited resource to be conserved not
squandered. To an extent, Australia has been insulated from all-this. We are
abundantly endowed with energy resources., particularly coal,
uranium, and natural gas. Nevertheless, we . are dependent on
imported crude oil and this dependence will increase, affecting
our balance of payments and our standard of living. Although
it is quite possible that by the late 1980' s Australia could be
earning $ 1 billion from the sale of uranium we would be spending
ttL ieS. that on 2urchasing increasingly expensive and ever
larger quantities of crude;
Our transport, and our defence system, are
firmly based on oil fuels for which at present there are no
ready substitutes.
The long term availability of liquid fuel or an acceptable
substitute is essential to our national independence and
prosperity. One way of achieving this is to find more oil, on-shore
and off-shore, and to conserve existing oil reserves, and Mr Anthony
who will be speaking this evening, will be giving details of what
the Government has done and intends to do about this problem.
Another possible long term solution to the problems posed by
dependence on imported oil is the large scale production in Australia
of motor spirit from coal. The Commonwealth, New South Wales,
and Victorian Governments in association with the Federal Republic
of Germany and German industry have recently agreed to a
joint study of the production of motor spirit from coal.
At the same time, CSIRO is proceeding with. its work with other
metuiods of liquefaction. Converting coal to liquids is costly to
develop to the commercial stage and there are some important
questions which need to be-answered: to what degree should the
Commonwealth support one process or the other? To what degree
should indigenous technology be favoured over foreign?

What are the relative social and environmental impacts of
the various processes? Should we be seeking alternatives to
the internal combustion engine rather than spending our limited
capital on coal liquefaction?
I have asked ASTEC to report to the Government on energy research
and development, the first of NEAC's series of reports on energy
to the Government has already been tabled in the Parliament
and I would be very interested to know this Academy's views.
The issues-are so complex that Governments need the best advice
from several sources. We should be in a position to ensure
that no part of the Commonwealth is disadvantaged by an energy
shortage. One question which arises is whether more effective
national energy and planning would achieve it. For example,
would a more effective capacity to transfer energy from one state
-to another have prevented extremist unionists in Victoria
from holding that state to ransom?
Many of you wear more than one hat and I am pleased to note that
some members of this Academy are also members of ASTEC or the
National Energy Advisory Committee. This means that there is
communication at a very high level between technologists and
scientists, between Government, academia and industry.
We need this high level coordination to solve the problem of
liquid fuels for transportation, and other crucial technological
problems that nay -ari-se.
It is generally accepted that the sun is the least polluting
and exhaustible source of energy, whether it is direct sunlight
or wind, waves or hydro. Except for hydro there is no ready,
relatively cheap way of using the sun's energy to produce
electricity as a prime source of power. There is, however,
some interesting experimental work being undertaken throughout the
world including Australia, on solar electricity.
While we do have large supplies of low sulphur fuels, should we
not as a technologically sophisticated nation be using our
highly trained engineers and scientists to help find the best way of
achieving solar electricity? In any case, should not Australia
be advancing more rapidly the development of technology for export?
Are we not exchanging German coal liquefaction technology for
Australian resources but why not export Australian technology?
Should not Australia be a society that produces new processes
and products for export? This could assist our manufacturing.
industry, allow full utilisation of the Australian workforce
and enable us to compete more successfully on the world market.
So what. is the best way toachieve innovation? How do we get that
bright idea into the market place? To encourage and develop
innovation in Australian technology is of fundamental importance.
Potentially, Australia, with its highly trained manpower, its
increasing cadre of scientists and engineers, its
sophisticated technological base and abunda -nt natural resources
has the capacity to be onie of the miost tccriiologica. iy el" Fective
nations. / 4

Are we lacking in drive and enthusiasm? Have we been too lucky
too long? Are we too lethargic to utilise our capacities
effectively? I know your Academy is very conscious of the
technological challenges which face Australia and our capacity
to meet them, and the Government is most receptive to the
Academy's views about how to bring this about.
The Fellowship comprises distinguished technologists in all
major sectors of industry, foremost being your President with his
long and distinguished career in the mining and manufacturing
sectors. The Fellowship also comprises distinguished Government
scientists, and scientists with extensive experience in advising
Government on policies for the development of technology in Australia
It is very encouraging to observe the growing cooperationii between
those concerned with developing a coordinated and integrated
effort to meet Australia's energy requirements. The manner in
which this Symposium has been organised is a direct reflection
of this.
I look forward to the Academy playing a significant. role
in Australia's future, and I hope you have the will and heart
to play this role. You obviously have the necessary fellowship
to do it. Mr President, I wish the Academy every success.