PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00004513.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I wish -to inform the House -that the Government
has decided to appoint Mr Justice Fox as Ambassador-at-large
for a period of twelve months. Mr Justice Fox's primary role
will be to represent Australia overseas in international
endeavours to secure a strengthened nuclear non-proliferation
regime. He will represent the Government at international
forums and in other initiatives dealing with nuclear nonproliferation
and nuclear safeguards.
Mr Justice Fox was the Presiding Commissioner of
the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry established by the
previous Government. After the Inquiry completed its final
report in May 1977, Mr Justice Fox, on my reqjuest, pursued
enquiries overseas relating to nuclear non-proliferation and
safeguards. He has recently returned from this overseas visit
during which he consulted more than 200 people representing
overseas agencies and individual interests in various
countries, amongst others the EEC countries, Sweden, Austria,
Brazil, the United States, Canada and Japan, regarding safeguirds
against nuclear weapons proliferation and has reported to me
on those discussions. I regard Mr Justice Fox's advice as important in
enabling the Government to pursue the most effective policy
against the spread of nuclear weapons which is a matter of
great international concern, and -the most effecti ve arrangements
to remove the international instability associated with the
spread of sensitive nuclear technology.
6 -1,

It is clear from what he ha. s told me that there
is developoing a g-reater international awa reness of the
importance of preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons.
There are many international initiatives being developed
in which Australia must be prepared to play its part.
One of the most important is the International Nuclear
Fuel Cycle Evaluation which is being undertaken on the
initiative of the President of the United States. It will
evaluate all parts of the present nuclear fuel cycle with
the aim of strengthening technology against diversion of
nuclear materials to weapons use. It will also examine how.
the nuclear power industry might best be structured to procure
this result and to operate in the safest possible manner.
Mr Justice Fox as Ambassador-at-large will be
leading the Australian Delegation to the opening meeting
in Washington on-19-20 October of the International Fuel
Cycle Evaluation. Mr Justice Fox's leadership will ensure
that Australia will contribute to the international fuel cycle
evaluation to the maximum extent that its international
position and technical expertise in nuclear matters will
permit. He will also give policy advice to the Government
respecting bilateral-safeguards agreements and on the nonproliferation
aspects of commercial contracts for the sale
of uranium. Mr Justice Fox, with his background and experiente
in this field so well demonstrated by the breadth and quality
of the Reports of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry
has indicated that he is prepared to accept this task, a task
which is most important for Australia. / 3

The appointment demons trates -the -tremendous
concern which tho Government has for problems relating' to
nuclear weapons proliferation and its determination -to do
everything possible -to ensure the safest possible sa-feuiards
arrangements around the world. The Government greatly
appreciates the Judge being able to make himself available
for this most important international endeavour and is
grateful to his Honour for accepting this appointment.
In accordance with past practice where members of
the judiciary have been appointed to executive officers,
for example, the appointment of Mr Justice A. E. Woodward
when a Judge of the Australian Industrial Court to be
Director-General of Security, Sir Owen Dixon, then a Justice
of the High Court, to be Australian Minister to the United
States and Sir John Latham while Chief Justice of the High
Court, to be Australiam Minis-ter to Japan, the Government
proposes to introduce legislation -to enable Mr Justice Fox
to retain his judicial status and the rights which attach
to that status while Ambassadlor-at-large.
The Government also proposes to introduce legislation
to increase the number of Judges of the A. C. T. Supreme Cou rt
from three to four -to allow -the Court to operate as necessary
at its present strength during -the period of Mr Justice Fox's
appointment as Ambassador-at-large.
His Honor has advised me that particularly having
regard to the administrative nature of his duties as
Chief Justice and indeed the doubt that this assignment
will-be completed within a year he proposes to resign as
Chief Justice.