PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004480.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

F77/ 1. 8
The Government has decided to establish a review of post-arrival
programmes and services provided to migrants by the Commonwealth.
and non-Government organisations supported by Commionwealth
The Review Group will be headed by Mr. F. Galbally, a
prominent Melbourne barrister.
The Review will commence immediately, and its first meeting will
be in Canberra tomorrow, September 1.
The Government is conscious of the special lancauage, housinT,
employment and other difficulties faced by migrants during
transition from one society to another.
Migrants themselves want to be involved in developing the types
of post arrival services and programmes which can assist in happy
settlement, overcome day to day difficulties and help prevent
serious welfare and other long term problems.
The Revie w provides an opportunity for migrants to participate
in identifying the problems and difficulties and in designing
programmes relevant to the needs of today's migrants.
The aim of the Review is to make sure the changing needs of
migrants are being met as.-effectively as possible.
The Bailey Task Force in its first report recommended that there
be a review of the functions and future role of Good Neiahbour
Councils. The Good Neighbour Councils themselves have called
for a review, and there have been requests from ethnic
orqanisations. In accepting that there should be a review, the Government has
decided that it should be set in the broader context of reviewing
the effectiveness of the Commonwealth's programmes and services
for those who have micrrated to Australia and the assistance it
aives to non-Government organisations providing programmes and
services to migrants. / The emphasis

The emphasis will be on seeking better and more effective
services to migrants within existing financial allocations
rather than on greater expenditure.
It will, of course, be essential in the conduct of the Review
that all migrants have an opportunity to contribute. Submissions
will be invited from the general public and from organisations,
and the Review panel will be seeking the views of as many
migrants and migrant groups as possible.
Mr. Galbally is eminently suited to the task of heading the
Review. He has had a long and continuing interest in the legal
and broader problems of migrants, and has three times been
decorated by the Italian Governmentin recognition of his
services to migrants of Italian origin.
Other members of the group will-be Miss F. Merenda,-M. B. E., a
migrant welfare worker who is well known in both the Italian
and the Australian communities in Sydney; Mr. N. Polites of
Melbourne, a migrant social worker who is active in the Greek
community and Stransky of Perth, a schoolteacher and. former
Field Officer of the Good Neighbour Council who was born in
Jugoslav territory and who has been active in interpreting
and ethnic radio.
The Review will report finally to me in six months.

Preamble In the light of the Government's concern to ensure
that the changing needs of migrants are being met as
effectively as possible within the limits of available
resources, it has been decided to establish a Review of
existing post-arrival programs and services. The Review is
to be conducted with regard to the Government's Federalism
policy and ' its objective of encouragiig self-help and
supporting the enterprise and dedication of community groups
and individuals in the provision of such programs and services.
Terms of Reference
1. The Review shall examine and report on the
effectiveness of the Commonwealth's programs and services for
those who have migrated to Australia, including programs and
services provided by non-government organisations which receive
Commonwealth assistance, and shall identify any areas of need
or duplication of programs or services. In doing so, the
Review shallexamine welfare and other programs and services
( including in the fields of health, housing,
education and employment insofar as these bear
on the social welfare of migrants);
take account of the extent to which programs
and services are being provided by other levels
of government and oth~ er non-government organisations..-
2. In particular the Review shall consider:
the roles and functions of government and
non-government organisations respectively, and
the appropriate relationship between them which
would ensure the most effective planning and
provision of programs and services to migrants7
which programs and services available to the
general community could be better designed to
* ensure that migrants ( especially non-English
speaking migrants) are as well served as others7
which special programs for migrants could be
better integrated wrth, or absorbed into, those
for the general community;
the extent to which migrants may be disadvantaged
through lack of awareness of programs and services
and the difficulties experienced in gaining access
to them7

the appropriateness of the role and organisation,
and the effectiveness of the operations of the
Good Neighbour Councils, having regard to the
changing needs and composition of the migrant
community; the roles of other non-government organisations
providing significant services to migrants, and
their inter-relationships including with Good
Neighbour Councils;
the role of the Commonwealth in funding non--
government organisations providing services
to migrants and the most appropriate arrangements
for any such funding.
3. The Review is to take account of current or recent
relevant inquiries, including in particular:
the Task Force on Co-ordination in Welfare and
Health; the Inquiry into Education and Training;
the Review of the Commonwealth Employment Service;
the Report of the Interdepartmental Working
Party on Interpreters and Translators.