PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00004366.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

Under embargo until 6.15 p-.
it is a great pleasure for me to be here this evening,
to share with you t-his very happy occasion. I shotild like to
thank you, Mx President, and your piedecessor, Mr Hanmer
De Robur-t, for honouring me w. ith your invitation to join you
and our friends -from the South Pacific at this ceremony-
This is in every sense an im~ portant and historic moment for
Nauru. It marks the bringing to fruition of a ma-jor
overseas investment project'by Naaru anid create-, in Melbourne
a most impressive symbol. of tha t country. But Nauru House is
more than just a symrbol. it is an eXpre ion of Nauru's
faith in the future. It is a tang ibleA ffirmation of the hopes
and aspirations of the Nauruan people-and of their determination
to provide an assured futuxe for th~' ir coming gEnerations.
iis a project in which all who have pa. rtfipaedcnfe
strong and well eax-ned sense of pxid.
M, 1r President, your Minister of Finance, ~ Ki nza Clodum r,
spoke recently in the Nauruan Parlizment of Nauru House as
symbolising both the unity and strength of the Nauruan people and
the strengthening of the ties of friendship between our two
countries. He stressed the Nauru Goveximentts view tha. t
it was f itting and proper that this b-ailding should be erected
in the City of Melbourne. I agree entirely with the
sentiments expressed by your Minister. There is a special
relationship between Nauru and Australia. it is a relationship
based on long-standing close links of friendship and joint
endeavour1 a relationship, which I am confident will long-endare.
. I am not simply speaking of contact at Government level.
Ouir relationship is firmly under-pinned by the many persconal
friendships which exist between Nauruans and Australians.
The City of Melbourne occupies a special -place in the heaxts of
Nauruans, a feeling which is reciprocated by the citizens of
This building, flo) W the tallest in Melbourne, will provide a
constant and highly visible remainder of. those bonds of friendshLip.
It is significant that with us this evening are the
distinguished HeAds of Government and other senior representatives
of the inerr: ber countries of the South Pacific Fo-rm. As the
regional political organisation, the Forum brings together all

the independent and self-governing states of-the South Pacific.
The presence here this evening of our friends from all
corners of the South Pacific testifies not only to the
warmth and esteem in which Nauru is held by its Forum
partners, but also to the strength of Forum solidarity.
Also with us are th6 Secretary General of the South Pacific
Commission and the Director of the South Pacific Bureau
for Economic Cooperation. Both. these organisations, of which
we are all members, are playing a crucial role in the progress
and development of the region.
In the near future, several of the self-governing states of
the South Pacific are to achieve independence, considerably
swelling the ranks of South Pacific. independent nations.
Australia welcomes the gathering pace of constitutional change
in the South Pacific.
The region is of high importance to Australia and we are
determined to live up to our responsibilities towards the countries
of the region. The South Pacific is rapidly becoming
an increasingly important region of the world, and the
major powers are showing a greater awareness of it.
Similarly, the South Pacific nations are establishing links with
countries outside the region and with such international organisatioN
as the United Nations, its agencies and the European community.
This is to . be welcomed, ad highlights the need for regional
cooperation in order to safeguard and to project South Pacific
viewpoints and perceptions. The Australian Government will
continue its efforts to sustain and extend its relations with
the countries of the South Pacific, both bilaterally and
through such regional organisations as the South Pacific Forum,
the South Pacific Commission and the South Pacific Bureau for
Economic Cooperation.
Nauru is'an active members of these regional bodies. Through its
activities in the organisations, and through its wide network
of shippingend aviation services, it is playing a
constructive role that far outweighs its size.
It is then, because of the close links which Nauru has with this
city, and this country, that the opening of this striking building
has a special significance. Australians and Melburnians in
particular, are grateful for and honoured by the trust that
Nauru and the Nauruan people have shown in us. I-am especially
pleased to welcome President Dowiyogo to Australia on this occasion.
It is appropriate that his first visit to Australia as President
of the. Republic of Nauru should be in connection with this
visible expression of Nauruan enterprise and foresight.
I have great pleasure in declaring open Nauru House.