PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004363.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The following message is being sent to employer and employee
organisations throughout Australia.
" Australia has been grappling with high inflation rates for a
number of years now. Although some progress has been made, we
are still experiencing double digit wage and price increases.
The persistence of inflation and the recognition of how it
continues to sap the strength of our economy, has led to a
dramatic and unprecedented initiative by the Commonwealth and
State Governments.
Meeting in Premiers' Conference in Canberra on 13 April, the
Heads of the Commonwealth and all State Governments unanimously
called for a three month halt in price and wage increases.
The agreement signed by all Heads of Government is as follows:
Prices and Incomes Restraint
The Heads of the Commonwealth and all State Governments,
meeting in Premiers' Conference in Canberra today,
unanimously called for a three month halt in price and
wage increases. They agreed that such restraint was
urgently needed if Australia is to overcome its current
economic problems.
It was agreed that all Heads of Government will approach
employer and professional organisations and put to them
the proposal that their membership should voluntarily
comm~ it themselves to a pause for a period of three months
from increases in the prices of their goods and services.
At the same time, all Heads of Governments will be making
an approach to the ACTU and other employee organisations
to seek a voluntary commitment to a three months pause
from wage increases.
Governments would not expect either the business organisations
or the union organisations to agree to such voluntary restraint
arrangements without agreement by the others. I Imnediately

Immediately following agreement to the proposal for a
voluntary general pause from increases in prices and
incomes, approaches would be made to the Arbitration
Commission and the Prices Justification Tribunal for the
implementation of the general pause.
Governments would also use their influence and the powers
available to them towards achieving a successful outcome.
Governments will commit themselves to not increasing their
own charges during the period of the pause. Local
Government will be expected to do likewise.
All Heads of Governments commit themselves to work for
this voluntary pause. Upon its achievement, a further
conference of Heads of Government will be held to consider
what further steps should be taken.
The Heads of Governments called on all members of the
Australian community to give full support to this vital
endeavour to help overcome inflation.
M. Fraser Prime Minister
Neville Wran Premier of New South Wales
R. J. flamer Premier of Victoria
J. Bjelke-Petersen Premier of Queensland
D. A. Dunstan Premier of South Australia
Sir Charles Court Premier of Western Australia
1A. Neilson Premier of Tasmania
I also add that my Government and the States are now taking all steps
to achieve a successful outcome to our joint initiative. I regard it
as essential that in the period while the necessary agreement of the
relevant -parties is being sought, restraint is shown by all and that
there be -no action to get in ahead of the three month pause which is
~ proposed. The PJT has been requested to monitor prices in the community and to
investigate any claims that increases in prices have occurred. The
Tribunal waill be reporting on its monitoring.
Pending agreement to these proposals, the Tribunal has also been asked
to defer decisions on price increases as from today.
In cases where the Prices Justification Act requires the Tribunal to
make a decision during this period, companies are being asked to
agree voluntarily to a deferment of decisions on these price applications
Your co-op eration is vital to the success of these measures, and I
look forward to hearing of your support for this crucial national
initiative as soon as possible."