PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004350.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

: 3YI,
FOR 1S 20 14ARCH 197? 7
Yo: A~:~ Uz~ sandl proaby for most me~ n and \ 7Oh1f if
z;, eand rorpnl--y of Coerynat
overwilm~ r. Aa often: see Governmnt cC-eI Lnt a
litt': 1 co n c rn . for ind11ividual prclin-s; arnd l: Lttl cnx( i o
utc. TIhey ' Eecl overpowar:-A, do C8fIa Ic~-I -D.
they sae as rec! tape and r4ii c uide14Ines hain orlvia
to 1t11: ix Own prsonal needs. Thay foel that .21
levels, ha:. ve \ nirst powers over inctiviciuals almost u-nchl,-. m. i gab
The-r. e is no doubtL t hat Australianls do need protection. frth.-
bas--" c huuma-riZghts in this highly complex-area of ovr-n
a i-, is tr a ic-n. Tj-here is no doubt : that this prot-ectici. Lias UL
delay-edl for too long.
This thc L. esk ai on Was considerbl retf~ h thc!
appointm= ent of a Cofowe] t mbludsm-an.. T he 0Cmbu -Jsna'_ t'
by toDeputy COr-bucllsmcn, will be a po-w; erfuvl servat actin~ iP
best!: . nteriasts o. L indlividuals. His dutics arc. sp:, c ifi c. -sin
he wilbe rcquired2L to invest&., igate complaints eotadml.-., ni*.;
actions of GoecnetO~ cials. w-ilel bc al CCelC. 2C
the way in w,, hich of ficials have hand1led the mat ter in ciua: ; uIton.
He waill. be 3. oohl-. nr at alle-, ed bvias neglect dcl: no: cc
or l: ny othoer cr ai t that ca n bDe ge-, Lcrally c-cfa
a dw: s L r alon. " His r~ wr ilspnn any Cm.
stwutc" a nuthry 0x: ar.-othcr Ccm-moTelt
Unde r law, the Comn.' at rb6sna ilhave the ic
imrE: daeacc,,:-s to doimient'Is or remnuses. Tie will bec ; bi
. Lntc-r-' c offcia aa or nyn c e Wh1o a be able to si
enquirfies If the OwMbuLdSman fiJ* nds that souie reiiedy is rcK: c i
corl.: ect a ro diiohe will. miake Loe cnte1% d, a-in
relevantdearxren and tois~ ise. if he 1-L2, ch c
c or:: c ct-\ -: act-Lon has noL bee~ n takea to h-is com. DIL_ stL. a
the mbdsa hs h po.. ear co repo) rt: the.-wmatt-E: ctireci.: ly to,
Ninst 1 tr-the Parlifament. Tris m,, eans, ' f i
in sOml~ caises rhe Prime Minister can, and \-. iJnterven C.
o n b) eha l'fJ of-t ize: II a, / Thc

0. buclsyan's work lies in the in-ndecknce
s ine~ tISt'. . Hei -usideth ,, influct--e
e i-itc a tme n t His juclgemerits areb~
'-----rience z, CILcty. Of course, : he Cnr~ udst! 2a-
~ ci rcctly to n-p-ople thro'-y: h thne Ftder
F: aean annual report to-thle Panl
C 9~ K : is riot uniq: u: to '. stralia. It fi '; t
C. iiaCOuntries . I thp th Carl u:. c
C atC Ornd udsmani in 1 2 and : aa _.' ited Yin: 2
_ 3 acer izo the Canadian poin.~ hv
of th i utainsa-sh,) et'
L) fioe in I last: five years.
TVr. -:-olntr-nu of a Conm. rorwealth Orrbudsr~ iar in Australia. Js an
1~~..: artstep forw, a-rd in enhancing humran rights. It iJ.: in liria
v a rmni-ber ~ fother measures, such as th: 2 A d-ifti s t r ',-ive App E
1. ju) ail-t hat have been taken by thi., s Governr,-. en~ i to pu-people
.1to protect basic individual righ( s.
W. -ve that people expect Governments to sQ-> cve their intercst:,-
the contrary.
ap.. '' etof a C 1nm1onwealUth Ombudc. iz. r, practical. Y. i'
ti-his .1os,. phy. Ic agai demonstrates ; I 1ility, ndour
r-.-ord, oL turning pr: J; Liise into achievement.