PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004340.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

EMBARGO: against delivery
Your Majesty, we are all delighted and honoured to have you,
Queen of Australia, with us on this twenty-fifth anniversary of
your accession to the throne.
It is already clear, we believe, that your reign has been one
of the most significant and successful in our history. You have
performed your Constitutional duties with wisdom, grace, assurance,
and dignity. Because of the strength and continuity which your
reign has given us, it is easy to forget how great have been the
changes during the past twenty-five years.
Most of the former British colonies have achieved independence.
The membership of the British Commonwealth has increased from
eight . o thirty-six and it has proved itself with you at its head
to be a significant force for peace and cooperation in the world.
Australia too, has changed in that period, just as the Commonwealth
is a multi-cultural group of varying traditions, we also have
become a multi-cultural society. We have been enriched by the
culture and tradition of large numbers of Australians, who have
come from Italy, Greece, The Netherlands, Germany, Eastern Europe,
Asia and elsewhere, all seeking a better and more equal future
here. Australia has clearly benefitted as a result.
We are a diverse nation, yet we are a united nation. Our ability
to accept and adapt to change is in large part made possible by
our adherence to the best of our traditions and one of the most
important of those is the Constitutional Monarchy.
To celebrate and commemorate your Jubilee, we wish to make you a
gift. It is not a gift to be delivered to you tonight. Indeed,
it might fairly be said that the gift is still a twinkle in the
eye. For we, the people of Australia, are to give you a
thoroughbred racehorse. W. thin the past month, a champion Australian
stallion, " Without Fear", has been joined with six mares and in
due course, the outstanding foal amongst the progeny will be
selected, trained, and presented to you. Knowing your interest
and expertise in these matters, we trust that you will welcome
this gift. I hope that " Without Fear's" progeny has the ultimate
success of carrying your colours to victory.
I am sure that all Australians will take a keen interest in the
development of the foals.

It i s an odd irony that, today. when wormen. strive for eqpuillitv
in all things that we can look to Elizabeth I and Elizabeth I I
as two of Britain's outstanding-monarchs. As in many othcer
things, the Monarchy has given the lead to contemporary sociely.
All Australians thank you for the twenty-five years past and
wish you well for all the years to come.
The second Elizabethan era has been superb. It has given us
strength, stability and inspiration.
To mark your Silver Jubilee, we intend to establish a Trust
which will foster community leadership by making awards to young
people. Your Majesty: the warm welcome you have already received expresses
the feelings of the Australian people toward you. You arc the
first Monarch to take the title, Queen of Australia we could
never have hoped for better.
The good wishes of all Australians are with you on this tour.