PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004318.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

Z C: T
b , De-ou ty Pric Mlini ste
. o ~ r 3 ocj3-r, -e: s for Overse,, as Tra-de
A ~ ff~ t~ huahs-beer-. as tablishi~ to advise
ntmnenergy " ratters and assi sti the for-ulation an
.) vpcm9 ' zP2: ooff a policy t r i i
Thb-establJL . s,: hient of -the Comamittee, zo be known as the
Natiu: ial Frergy AdIvi sey Co;: imittee, wds f ores liad -wed in the m., inerals
arnd 3. nergy policy ctatemrent of the coalition parties ait the time of
the ' Last elecrion. I will be looking to the Committee for advice on Australia's
energy reserves and on factors likely to influence the pattern of
energ-y suppDly and demand, and future costs, in Australia; the
assessment of and develenn-oent of our energy resources, and the economy
of use of energy. The Commnittee also will offer advice on the balance of
resources for research relating to the development of energy sources
in Australia, and on developments both here and overseas in respect of
methods and technology associated with the production and distribution
of energy. The development of a natiOnal energy policy is a matter
for detCailed an-. d enxq-; ert analysis.
Vie must consider the present and potential contributions
cVrLe ac(-h energy source, and relate these to the e;,: ppctcd requirements
of tovarious sectors of industry and of the private cons'Umer.
4omiist foresee, as best we can, the technical, economitc
' C~ a1 changes; which can have an impact on Lacterns of energy
:. ro -1c: Don a?. ci con0imrio1
T'his is a tas'-, whi-ch t _ he , and will not,
unde~ akein isolatr-on. .12

SThe Cn. rr-. c I he Comrmittee is Dr Howard Wcrr. er,
Se:.-.. ourwne, who is aso the Chairman of the Victorian Brown Coal
rc?. and bov-: oi 2 nt Co.-' ittee
Dr Worner is an eminent scientist who has had a long
I:' singuished career in Australian industry.
j am sure that under his leadership the Committee, which
i-a outstanding group of people, will make an invaluable contribution
r. : iis imn catint. area of Government policy.
The Committee itself will consist of eighteen members
:: ho have been selected with a view to covering a wide spectrum of
':-: pertise in the energy field, and appointed on the basis of the
S, 2ersonal contribution which they can make to the work of the Committee,
as distinct from any representational role they might perform.
I will look to the Committee to assess and recommend on
::. jor matters of energy policy that will come before me in the future.
In performing this role, I will expect the Committee to
act as a link between the Federal Government and all bodies working
Sin the energy field State Government departments and authorities,
private companies, university research workers, learned societies
and the like. As well as assisting the Government through its advice
rn energy matters, I am sure the Committee will play a valuable role
in tcimulating pulic awareness and debate on energy issues, including
" he need1 fno energy conservation.
In this way, investment decisions by industry and Government
a.: thorities, both State and Commonwealth, can be based on better
: rrnation; consumers, both large and small, will be better able to
for the future, and Australia will be able to m. ake better use
i' energy resources. / 3

Because tne -sablish. ent of the Committee recresents
a ncr: undertaking, I ave aointed it as interim Cormittee
i. first ins. ance, -o operate until the end of calendar year 1977.
I will ask the Committee to report to m. e by the end of
ear on any modifications it feels should be made to the terms
of reference or mode of operation of its successor Committe, which
;-ill operate from the beginning of 1978.
A full list of the Committee, and its terms of reference,
are attached to this statement.
The function of the National Energy Advisory
Commit tee is to advise the Minister for National Resources
on matters rilating to energy including
Australia's energy reserves;
factors likely to influence
the pattern of energy supply arind
demand in Australia
( ii) the future costs of energy i. n
( iii) the assessment and development of
Australia's energy resources
( iv) the economy of use of cno in
Aus t. ralia;
the balance of resources for
relating to the developrment f y
sources in Australia;
veloprets in ustralia r -vers :: s
in :' oeocct of mtlhods a* d 1-
isti0 teuC with i. he procfwu> -r'
disiri'oution of enery.

Chairman Dr Howard K. Worrner, D. Sc., F. Inst. F.,
M. A. I. M. M.
Members Mr P. H. Barratt, B. Sc.,
First Assistant Secretary,
Energy Policy Division,
Department of National Resources,
( Executive Member).
Mr M. D. Bridgland, B. Sc., F. A. I. M.,
Executive Director,
ICI Australia Ltd.
Emeritus Professor F. B. Bull, B. Sc., F. I. E. Aust.,
Deputy Chairman,
Australian Universities Commission.
Professor L. A. Endersbee, F. I. E. Aust.,
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering,
Monash University.
Mrs M. M. Fitz-Gerald,
Member, Metric Conversion Board
Alderman, St Peter's Council,
South Australia.
Professor D. W. George, B. Sc., Ph. D., F. I. E. E.,
F. I. Mech. E., F. I. E. Aust., F. A. I. P.,
University of Newcastle
Chairman, Australian Atomic Energy Commission.
Professor Stuart Harris, B. Ec.,
Professor of Reso'zuce ~ conomics,
Australian ? aTio-. nl Uni-ersity.

Mr J. 3. Kir-'. oc, I. E. Aust.,
Commissioner, Chairman and Chief Executive,
State Energy Commission,
Western Australia.
Mr W. M. Lonie, Dip. Applied Chem., M. A. I. M. M.,
M. A. I. M. E.,
General Manager,
Minerals Production and Marketing,
BHP Company Ltd.
Mr G. Lynch, M. A. I. D.,
Former Director,
Esso Australia Ltd.
Mr E. D. Murray, F. I. E. Aust., F. A. I. M.,
Commissioner for Electricity Supply,
State Electricity Commission of Queensland.
Professor D. J. Nicklin, B. Sc. App., B. Sc., B. Econ., Ph. D.,
F. I. Chem. E., F. I. E. Aust.,
Professor of Chemical Engineering,
University of Queensland.
Mr J. D. Norgard, F. S. A. S. M.( Met).,
Chairman, The Pipeline Authority.
Professor J. W. Roderick, M. Sc., Ph. D., F. I. Struct. E.,
A. F. R. Ae. S., F. I. E. Aust., F. ASCE, F. A. A.,
Challis Professor,
Head, School of Civil Engineering,
University of Sydney.
Mr H. J. Souter,
Secretary, Australian Council of Trade Unions.
Professor C. N. Watson-Munro, F. A. I. P.,
F. Inst. P.,
Wills Professor of Plasma-Physics,
University of Sydney.
Emeritus Professor Hill W. Worner, D. Sc.. F. I. E. Aust.
M. A. I. M. M.,
Member of the Executive,
Commonwealth Scientific and Iniustrial Research Organisation.