PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004230.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I am very pleased to be with you today for the opening of
this magnificent community and cultural centre.
The re-enactment we have just seen recalls one of the most
outstanding of the colonial Governors, Lachlan Macquarie.
It is a remarkable testimony to the quality of Lachlan
Macquarie that after a century and a half he is still
remembered for his contribution to the building of Australia.
It is perhaps a measure of Australia that the two qualities
of Macquarie most often recalled are his tireless woi k in
developing the colony and his deep humanity. In these qualities
he embodied two aspects of Australian life which we value greatly.
We feel as sense of pride when we see the potential of
Australia being realised. ' We all value deeply the respect and
concern for others which has produced so much worthwhile
social reform.
Macquarie had great faith in the future of the colony of
New South Wales. When he left Port Jackson in 1822, he had
entirely rebuilt* Sydney's main public buildings. He had
done the same at Parramatta and had created many townships,
most of them out of wilderness. He had put up something
like 200 main buildings and left New South Wales with three
hundred miles of roadway.
No Government in any colony of similar size and remoteness
has ever come close ' to this achievement. Macquarie also
sought to improve the quality of life in the colony for all its
citizens. He organised the colony's first agricultural
fairs and even the first horse races. He developed education
to a point at which one fifth of the colonial revenue was spent
on education. His policy towards the Aborigines was one of
conciliation. He opened the first Aboriginal school for children.
The major social matter for which his administration was
distinguished however was his humanitarian policy towards convicts.
Perhaps most important in the context of today's activities
Macquarie firmly believed in the importance of encouraging
strong local communities. He believed that towns and their
amenities must take shape if life was to survive and develop in
the outlying areas. With a centre in each district / 2

providing a local market, justice, medicine, religion,
education, and fellowship, settlement would have something
to which to anchor.
This continent possessed only three towns prior to the
founding of the five Macquarie towns. The historical links
with the past are preserved by the many buildings of the period
still in existence in I : sdistrict. Windsor retains
much of its old-world -7atmosphere and charm.
The council has a role in contributing to the preservation
of these buildings as part of the national heritage.
In recognition of the place of the Windsor district in
our history, I am today placing in the trust of the council
for one month a national treasure which will generally
be displayed in Canberra the sword and dirk of Governor
Macquarie. I am especially pleased to perform this opening ceremony
today because of the important role the Liberal/ National
Country Party Government sees. local government playing in the
delivery of services to the community.
We have adopted a policy which will greatly strengthen the
independence of state and local government and this policy
is now being implemented.
Local government around Australia is struggling to offset the
impact of inflation.
As inflation is progressively brought under control local
government will find itself in a greatly strengthened position
under the Federalism policy.
Under the new policy, local government will have an annual
entitlement to a share of personal income tax collected by
the Commonwealth. An amount of $ 140 million will be provided
in 1976/ 77 an increase of 75%~ over last year.
Personal income tax will be shared between all three spheres
of Government. Local government will be made a partner
in the Commonwealth's reforms a fixed percentage of personal
income tax will be earmarked for distribution through states
to local government.
The establishment of an Advisory Council for Inter-Government
Relations is seen by the Government as a vital institution
of co-operation and one for improving administrative arrangements
between the various spheres of government.
The Council will bring together representatives of the Federal, Stat
and local governments and private citizens for the consideration
of common problems. We will introduce appropriate legislation'
to establish the Advisory Council during the current sitting of
Parliament. 3

We believe that each sphere of government, Commonwealth,
state and local, should make decisions on matters
appropriate to that sphere, with matters of proper concern to
more than one level being decided through a process of
genuine consultation and cooperation.
There are many matters where appropriate information and
the greatest opportunity for administrative efficiency and
effectivenss, are at the local level. In these matters
local governments must have the necessary capacity to act as they
believe best.
The Liberal/ National Country Party Government places great emphasis
on cooperative effort by community groups. For example, in
social welfare, we believe that action by individuals and
groups at the local level is absolutely necessary for an
effective approach to social welfare.
Indeed this approach covers many activities including
cultural ones. Only if community groups define their own needs
without unnecessary government interference will we have
the diversity, choice and quality that we all want.
As local government is the level of government closest to the
people, it is appropriate that cultural initiative should come
from the grass roots level.
Because of its goegraphical position only 60 kilometres
from Sydney its rural nature and its historical associations,
the Windsor Municipality has become a recreation area for
the population of Sydney. It has accepted the responsibility
thrust upon it by these factors.
The Council is proposing in its forward programme to construct
libraries, parks and playing fields and to carry out
roadworks, drainage works and flood mitigation works.
The excellent facilities provided by this Centre will long
serve the community as a whole. The Centre will be of
great benefit to the community as a forum where the arts
will find a natural and beneficial focus.
The various boards and programmes of the Australia Council
are able to assist within funding limitations a wide
range of activites to broaden the community's participation
and interest in the arts, from the community to the specialist
level. The Council has a special concern for the arts
needs of country people and outlying regions beyond the main
metropolitan areas.
I wish all those concerned with the Macquarie Towns Festival
very much success and I am certain it will provide great
pleasure and enjoyment for the people of this community.
Finally, I would like to congratulate everyone associated
with this community and cultural centre, the Councillors and
employees, the architects and builders everyone who has
played a part in the preparations for this official opening.
I have much pleasure in declaring open the Windsor Community and
Cultural Centre.