PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004208.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

This is a very special day for the people of Hobart. It is
a most significant day in the continuing development of this
wonderful city.
I -am delighted and honoured to be with you today to open this
fine complex. The Knights of the Southern Cross, the Sisters
of the Good Shepherd and of course the people of Hobart
can take pride in the wonderful achievements.
Im also very pleased to be able to publicly pay tribute to the
work of His Grace Archbishop Young. I speak not only on
behalf of the national government and of the Tasmanian community,
but also on behalf of all of us ' mainlanders'.
The special dedication of the Guildford Young Grove to His
Grace is to me a most fitting tribute to a man who has dedicated
22 years,-to achievements and leadership in the Archdiocese of
Hobart. Of'course, the completion of this complex and this
ceremony this afternoon has wider implication than appears on the
This day is surely a classic illustration of one of the real
strengths of Australian society. And that is the willingness
of men, vjoren and children from all walks of life to work
together f or the wider benefit of the community.
It's an example of what can happen when people toil tirelessly
and selflessly when they ' put in'-to help those less able to
help themselves.
There is no doubt that the people responsible for this day lived
the-. unwritten law that says " It's not what you can get out'
of life, but what you can put into it".
I am especially-pleased to perform this ceremony today because
the Liberal NCP Governments social welfare philosphy places
great emphasis on cooperative effort by community groups. We
believe that interaction by individuals, groups and government
at all levels is absolutely necessary for an effective approach
to social welfare.

Only if community groups define their own needs -without
unnecessary government interference will we have the
diversity, choice and quality that we all want. We believe
that all those dedicated people who make up the backbone
of voluntary welfare orc-anisati ons make an irreplaceable
contribution to the continuing growth and maturing of our
great nation.
You all know that we are committed to encouraging the kind of
self help the building of this complex exemplifies. But let
none of you think that the government then takes a step back
and marches away. Let me be perfectly clear. Wle do not
regard the efforts and of voluntary associations
as an excuse for inactivity by the government. Rather, we
seek to enhance the effectiveness of voluntray welfare action.
In this case, the Commonwealth Government overall has contributed
almost million towards capital costs.
Since 1962 aged housing projects sponsored by the Southern Cross
Association have recieved $ 6.6 million assistance. But let's
face ' it, money alone will not solve all problems. Much more
is required.
Professor Henderson, after detailed investigation into
Australian poverty, also came to this conclusion. Professor
Hendersons's report said that Australian governments should
be wary, of Falling into the inflationary trap ofE attempting
to carry out so many social reforms or other public expenditures
at once that they accelerate an inflationary spiral that does
more damage to poor people than. the assistance provided by the
reforms." So money is not enough. However, the way in which assistance
is provided is of critical importance. Assistance should be
provided in a way which helps people to be independent.
The resources a poor family -needs to break out of poverty
include information about opportunities in the social security
! ystem as well as money.
O f. course, many social welfare problems are not intrinsically
financial. Rather, they are problems of human relationships,
of organisation, and of approach.
For example, a great deal has been spent on education over the
past few years. School buildings and facilities have been
improved. Yet despite this it is evident that our system of
education is still far from perfect. The core of education
remains the quality of the educations experience. And this is
effected by the quality of teachings, the way the school is
organised, attitudes of teachers and parents in other words,
the relationship of school to family and the world beyond.
It's not money but organisation, approach.
I said earlier that we do not regard the efforts of voluntary
organisationsas an excuse for inactivity by government. My
Government's fundamental aim has been to provide assistance
to those most in need in such a way that the community can . afford
the cost.

We've done just this through family allowances and personal
income tax indexation. Our family allowance scheme benefits
300,000 Australian families and 800,000 children many of whom
are below the poverty line. It has been hailed as the major
reform in the Australian welfare system since Federation.
Tax indexation will give protection for those hundreds of
thousands of wage earners with large families near the
minimum income.
The frail and aged in the Australian community have received
special care from the Government. From July 1 this year, the
Government introduced a three year programme to assist the building
of aged persons homes. $ 45 million will be provided this
financial year and a further $ 180 million in the next two years.
This three years programme will allow urgently needed accommodation
to be provided for about 15,000 aged people throughout Australia.
It will also assist voluntary organisations by ensuring a continuing
of planning and building for the next three years. They will be
able to borrow in this first year against the allocation for the
remaining two years.
The Government has also established a Committee into the Aged
and the Infirmed. The Committee will report on the effectiveness and
ef ficiency of existing, Government programmes f or the aged and inf irmed.
The inquiry will assist the Government in deciding on a
cohesive-framework for meeting,-the needs of this area of
social welfare.. This Government believes that individualgroup
and government participation is necessary to carry out an
effective social welfare policy. This complex stands as a monument
to the validity of our belief.
It is a magnificent result for your own endeavours and a fitting
tribute to your Archbishop. I have great pleasure in
declaring " Guildford Young Grove" officially open.