PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Turnbull, Malcolm

Period of Service: 15/09/2015 - 24/08/2018
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
Parliament House, Canberra
Remarks at the Cabinet Meeting with the Treasurer, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP


Welcome back to Budget Week.

Scott, you’ve got a Budget that is delivering on our National Economic Plan.

Which is delivering for record jobs growth.

Which is ensuring that the Government has the resources to guarantee essential services and invest – as we described today - $75 billion into infrastructure across Australia. Congestion-busting infrastructure, all part of the essential services that we’re able to deliver on and a Budget that will ensure hard-working Australians can keep more of the money that they earn.

A Budget that will enable us to have the resources to keep Australians safe and a Budget that will ensure that the Government lives within its means. Because we don’t want to throw a mountain of debt onto the shoulders of our children and grandchildren.

It’s a great Budget Scott, you’ve done a fantastic job. You’re delivering on the National Economic Plan we took to the people in 2016.

We said we would deliver jobs and growth.

Last year, the highest jobs growth in the country’s history. That’s giving us the means to guarantee essential services, build that essential infrastructure, keep Australians safe and bring the Budget back into balance.

Tell us about what we can expect tomorrow.

[Hear hear]


Well thank you Prime Minister and thank you colleagues for all the work that has gone into the announcement we’ll make tomorrow night. It’s a team effort from the government and thank you for your leadership too Prime Minister.

A stronger economy, is what this budget is about. It’s what the Liberal and National parties believe very strongly, because that’s what guarantees everything else. That’s what guarantees the jobs, that’s what guarantees the incomes – as families sit down around their kitchen table. A stronger economy, is what builds their budget – and this budget is about a stronger economy.

More jobs, to guarantee those essentials services that Australians rely on. In the health portfolio and what we saw yesterday, keeping the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and what we’re able to do there. Whether it’s the record funding in education and in schools. In all of these areas, national disability, aged care – a stronger economy is what pays for that. Businesses going out there and being successful, going forward, employing people and this Budget is about driving that forward.

And as you say Prime Minister, it’s always about living within our means as a government. And this is a government that does that. We’ve got a clear set of guard rails. A guard rail on keeping spending under control, and a guard rail in keeping taxes under control.

[Hear, hear]

We’re very clear about that. In this Budget it will be crystal clear. We’re for lower taxes, because we’re for a stronger economy. And that’s what Liberal and National governments do.