PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Turnbull, Malcolm

Period of Service: 15/09/2015 - 24/08/2018
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Jobs boost for regional Tasmania

More than 2200 new jobs will be created in Regional Tasmania as part of the Turnbull Government’s Regional Jobs and Investment Package.
The Turnbull and Hodgman governments are committed to creating more and better paid jobs to drive the economy and create more opportunities for all Tasmanians.
Growing the Tasmanian economy remains a core focus of the Coalition Government, which will invest $27.3 million across regional Tasmania.
This investment will support 50 projects worth more than $60 million. Tasmanians will benefit from almost 600 jobs during construction and more than 1665 jobs into the future.
The Regional Jobs and Investment Package will provide the support to allow local businesses such as Norske Skog Paper Mills (Australia) Limited to expand, generating about 160 jobs for the region.
Growing the Tasmanian economy remains a core focus of the Coalition Government and the Regional Jobs and Investment Package, which is being rolled-out in 10 pilot regions, will help to diversify and grow Tasmania’s economy.
The government is also supporting the “Investment Ready Analysis for Commercial Cyrene Production” project in Boyer, to explore the viability of constructing a commercial-scale advanced manufacturing facility to produce the organic solvent Cyrene.
This is an exciting project, underpinned by strong international demand for non-toxic solvents in pharma and agrichemical industries to replace fossil-derived chemicals with safer alternatives. The plant at Norske Skog Paper Mills (Australia) Limited at Boyer could potentially become a world-leader in production of Cyrene solvent.
The $220 million Regional Jobs and Investment  pilot programme has been designed to diversify regional economies - particularly those that have undergone large structural changes - to help drive economic growth and job creation in these communities.
The government has a significant focus on delivering for Tasmania and regional Australia.
Further projects under the Regional Jobs and Investment Package for Regional Tasmania will be announced in the coming weeks.