PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004134.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

FOR PRESS MAY 29, 1976
/ Y& T 67Y
Today's ceremony-is not only an act of faith by the
Church of England. In its own way, this project-symbolises
Darwin's recovery from Cyclone Tracy, and the determiniation
to build a better city.
It reflects the faith of the citizens of DarwYin in the future.
Thnere must have been many who doubted whether Darwin could
ever rise again after the devastation of the cyclone. It
is a measure of the determination of the former residents
of Darwin and their affection for the city that so many have
ratu. rned to help in the rebuilding.
I understand that 7: he population is now only 8000 short
of what it was on Chnristmas Eve 1974. The loss of the
old Christ Church was one of the sad losses of the disaster.
It had been one of Darwin's oldest buildings-it had
stood for 72 years when the cyclone struck. In its
build'ing it had sy,--bolised the diversity of people who had
built Darwin. Its stone had been hewn by Chinese. Now
a new cathedral church is being commenced, but it will
have, links with the old Darwin. The ruins of Christ Church
will be in c orporated in the new cathedral complex.
I hope that the new church which will rise on this site will be
a vital part of the new city. It will seat 300 worshippers
and provide facilities for community activities, conferences
and wedding receptions.
1understand also that some thought is being given to
setting up a cathedral choir school as part of this church
complex.-Fund raising appeals will be launched next
month in the Northern Territory and the rest of Australia to
ehlp meet the cost of building the-new cathedral church.
I urge strong support for these appeals. I am sure they
will be supported.
I am very conscious that it is the wish of the people of Darwin
that the city should be rebuilt as quickly as possible. 2

People. throughout Australia want to see Darwin rise again
and soon. That is certainly the wish of the Commonwealth
Government. Through the efforts of citizens, private
enterfrise, the Housing Commission and the Reconstruction
Commission the city is once more taking shape.
The result of the efforts of individuals and private
enterprise in rebuilding Darwin are plain for all to see.
Nearly 2000 residents have commenced rebuilding their homes,
250 have already completed them. Most business premises
have been restored the recent auction sale of industrial
land in Darwin suggests that private industry has confidence
in the future of the city.
The kind of city the new Darwin becomes will depend, in the
end, on the commitment, the work, the willingness to cooperate
of the people of Darwin. Government, can, and is, helping
to establish the framework for the new city. It can offer
aid and assistance. It can help to ensure that th. physical
development provides a decent context for the life of the
people. But the new Darwin, like the old, will in the end
be the product of the people who live in it, and their
attitudes to one another.
The Federal Government is determined, for its part, to do what
it. can to see thac che rebuilding of Darwin proceeds as
quickly as possible.
To aid this process we have increased the financial assistance
for reconstruction in the next financial year. We believe
that all Australians wish to see this done. I believe
that the Commonwealth Government's funding of the Darwin
Business Relief Loan Fund and the concessional 6 percent home
rebuilding scheme have helped to inject confidence into the
city. I hope it will not seem too much out of place on an
occasion such as this if I mention some of the details,
financial an, otherwise, or what has been done and what is
proposed. The opportunity for me to mention these matters directly
to the people of Darwin comes all too rarely. Nearly $ 3.5 million
of low interest loans has been advanced to 223 small businesses
to boost commerce and industry. Approvals for the home rebuilding
scheme have now passed 500, with a total value of $ 14.7 million.
During the current financial year the people of Australia,
through the Darwin Reconstruction Commission will have spent
$ 110 million. I have been advised by my colleague, Mr Adermann
that this will rise to $ 139.5 million next year.
Three new homes a day are now being completed for the Reconstruction
Commission. The rate of construction will accelerate in the
months ahead. More than $ 16 million has been spent since
Cyclone Tracy on weather proofing and repairs to private
and government buildings and on cleaning up the debris and
making damaged homes safe. / 3

The Darwin Reconstruction Commission is also responsible
for the restoration and upgrading of the whole range of
government services a community like Darwin needs, including
the new Casuarina Hospital..
$ 44-million has been spent this financial year on new and
rebuilt homes. $ 5 millionhas been spent on education
facilities and $ 8 million on public health and welfare.
The city's basicjinfrastructure and community facilities
have largely been reestablished. We are all indebted to
the members and staff of the Darwin Reconstruction Commission.
A major contribtuion in overcoiming the accommmodation
oroblem in Darwin is also being made by the Northern
Territory Housing Commission.
In 1975/ 76 the Commission was provided with $ 13 million.
In 1976/ 77 this will rise to $ 21.2 million. The
Housing Commission has commenced construction of 360 new
houses. 100 have already been completed. 105 f
have been commenced, 49 are completed. Permanent
repairs have begun on 118 houses. In addition, the Northern
Territory Port Authority has spent $ 1 million this financial
year rehabilitating and upgrading Darwin's port facilities.
The amount that being spent on the reconstruction
b-the people of Au. stralia through Government and through
private activities shown the priority we all place on
having a new city here that we can all be proud of.
Darn, of course, has a new role to look forward to with
the movement of Territory towards statehood. We are
moving quickly to give effect. to this undertaking. A Bill
to amend the Nort-rn Territory ( Administration) Act has
already been introduced into the Federal Parliament.
When enacted this Bill will pave the way for the transfer of
executive ' Rowers to the Legislative Assembly.
My colleague the Minister for the Northern Territory is in
regular contact with the majority leader, Dr Letts, and
the executive members of the Assembly. I am confident
that the Legislative Assembly will soon assume responsibility
for a number of functions of Government in the Northern Territory.
The success of these-measures will depend very largely on the
good will and common sense of our Federal and local legislators
and administrators. It will also depend significantly
on the development of commerically viable industries which
will generate incomes and revenue within the Northern Territory.
The potential and the Territory is exciting. 1Within weeks
of assuming office, the Minister for the Northern Territory
ended a long period of stagnation and frustration in the minerals
area by issuing new mining exploration leases and offshore
permits. ./ 4

The development of the region's:. minerals depends
very much on our ability to contain inflation and
rising costs. Possibly not part of Australia has been
more adversely affected by inflation than the Territory.
The Government is determined to restore economic
responsibility to Australia and to our relations with
' our trading partners, the natural markets for our minerals
and metals as well as our agricultural and pastoral exports.
The Territory unquestionably has a great future. The
rebirth of Darwin shows what is possible where people
commit themselves to a goal and dedicate themselves to
realising it. Great tasks like this are never easy.
The work is often frustrating and difficult. I doubt
if anything that is worthwhile can ever be otherwise.
I started off by talking about an act of faith by the
Church of England. We all share a faith that by
cooperating together we can build a country which will
ensure decent lives for all its people. The new cathedral
complex will be a symbol of that cooperation between
people that we all seek.
I congratulate all who are associated with the rebuilding
of the Church. 000000000