PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Turnbull, Malcolm

Period of Service: 15/09/2015 - 24/08/2018
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Manila, Philippines
Bilateral meeting with His Excellency Mr Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan

PRIME MINISTER:  Well thank you very much Prime Minister, we’ve had some very constructive discussions just a moment ago with President Trump.

Of course we’ve talked about the economic and trade issues, strategic issues over the last few days and of course, in many meetings in the past. We share the same values and the same strategic objectives as you’ve just observed and we look forward to having further discussions as we build and strengthen our strategic partnership between Australia and Japan.

HIS EXCELLENCY MR SHINZO ABE, PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN - TRANSLATION: Great to see you again Malcolm and I am very happy that we now have another round of summit meetings.

As you rightly mentioned, we do share fundamental values and at the same time, we both have alliances with the United States and that is the foundation for respective policies.

So, I do think that now is the time for us to reinforce this important bilateral relationship between Japan and Australia.

And also as for the entire Indo-Pacific region, my aspiration is to realise a free and open order in this region, which will be equally open to every single nation, especially in terms of the maritime order.

And also I would to like make this region an international [inaudible] which would bring benefits to every corner of the world. So for that common objective I stand ready to further cooperate with you.