PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Turnbull, Malcolm

Period of Service: 15/09/2015 - 24/08/2018
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
  • Private Health Insurance; Same-sex Marriage
Radio interview with Ash, Kip & Luttsy with Susie O’Neill Nova 106.9 Brisbane

HOST: Good morning Prime Minister. 

PRIME MINISTER: Good morning, how are you?

HOST: Very well.

PRIME MINISTER: I’ve had a great morning this morning, I’ve been out kayaking.

HOST: Kayaking?

HOST: Whereabouts?

PRIME MINISTER: Sydney Harbor where I live, with a guy called Nick Woodman who founded GoPro.

HOST: Oh, yes!

PRIME MINISTER: He invented this camera - he was a surfer, he’s an American guy - and he was out in Australia on a surfing holiday and he had the brilliant idea to have a camera that you could take when you were surfing or sailing or whatever, skiing and he invented that and built his business. It’s the first time he’s been back in Australia for 15 years.

HOST: It’s an incredible story, I saw a doco on him and I remember his first ever camera - like the GoPros now I think they’re up to like GoPro 6 something - the first one was like in a casing, but it was as big as a suitcase.

HOST: Really?


PRIME MINISTER: That’s right, he said that he developed it, he started off using a one-time camera. You know, it used to be years ago you could buy these cameras that you’d just use once.

HOST: Disposables, yeah yeah.

PRIME MINISTER: Yeah, a disposable camera. He worked out a case to have on his wrist when he was surfing and from that developed what is now a gigantic business. So it was great fun, anyway always good to be out on the water. 

HOST: And we’re just removing the GoPro questions from the quiz that we’re about to do -


Seems like you’re schooled up!

PRIME MINISTER: Leave it in, leave it in! ‘Who is the founder of GoPro?’


HOST: Funny you ask, he’s standing next to me.


PRIME MINISTER: ‘Who is the politician who last paddled with the founder of GoPro?’


HOST: Stop saying stuff, I’m scratching out.

PRIME MINISTER: All the questions are going out.

HOST: Now you will know Prime Minister, I hope you know that your great nemesis Bill Shorten, he did take on the one and only Susan O’Neill and beat her in the lead up to the last federal election. So I don’t think you want that on your record, that Bill Shorten took down Suzie and you weren’t able to okay?

If you do beat Suzie here, you get a chance to speak to our audience about whatever you wish okay?

PRIME MINISTER: Okay, alright well that’s good.

HOST: So Suze, we’re going to put you on hold with Sam so you can’t hear these questions.

HOST: Morning Suze by the way.

HOST: Morning guys, hi Mr Turnbull, how you going?

PRIME MINISTER: Hey, how are you?

HOST: I’m good! It’s meant to be my morning off, but you know you made me come to work. 

HOST: Oh here we go. ‘You made me come to work’, you’re on the phone Suze.


HOST: Alright so Suze is off now, so she won’t be able to hear these questions.

HOST: This is all legit, she’s in the sound proof both. The way that it works Prime Minister, is we’re going to ask you five questions, you’ve got 30 seconds to answer the questions. Now if you like you can say ‘pass’, and we will come back to it if time permits. But in the event of a draw the person with the quickest time wins. So basically you don’t really, we don’t often get back to the question the second time around.

HOST: So just say don’t know if you ‘don’t know’.

HOST: Because Susie never gets beaten on time, if you say don’t know we just move on to the next question.


HOST: Alright good luck Prime Minister. Up against Susie O’Neill, you’ve got 30 seconds on the clock and your time starts now.

Name the children of the Dutch and Duchess of Cambridge.


HOST: Spell ‘recommend’.


HOST: Ben Affleck currently stars as which superhero?


HOST: Bill Gates co-founded which company?


HOST: Which country has the largest population?


HOST: Name the children of the Dutch and Duchess of Cam -

HOST: Okay we’ve run out of time, run out of time. Okay.

HOST: Interesting, okay - stay there Mr Prime Minister. Now we come back to Susie O’Neill, and if you do win this Suze we’ll add a hundred bucks to the bounty next week when you come back okay?

HOST: That’d be great.

HOST: Make it worth your while.

HOST: Okay.

HOST: Good luck Susie, fresh from the Don last night, the big awards in Melbourne. Here she is Susie O’Neill, 30 seconds on the clock Suze. You time starts now, name the children of the Dutch and Duchess of Cambridge.

HOST: I don’t know.

KIP: Spell ‘recommend’.


HOST: Ben Affleck currently stars as which superhero?

HOST: Superman.

HOST: Bill Gates co-founded which company?

HOST: Microsoft.

HOST: Which country has the largest population?

HOST: India.

HOST: Stop it.

HOST: Three seconds remaining. So we’ll go to a tiebreak, in the event of a tie breaker Susie wins.

HOST: Prime Minister up against Susie O’Neill in ‘I’m Smarter than Susie’ if you’ve just tuned in. Let’s go through it. Name the children of the Dutch and Duchess of Cambridge.

HOST: First of all you’ve got work out who the Dutch and Duchess of Cambridge is, and all the official titles and all the rest of it.

HOST: It should be duke and duchess, but anyway.

HOST: Oh okay, Duke and Duchess. That’s still close, they’re still the same people.

HOST: Yeah.

HOST: Anyway, they both got it wrong. Prime Minister passed on it and Suze got it wrong, it’s George and Charlotte. So I think we can both give you a pass there because we asked the question incorrectly.

HOST: Okay, so it’s one all.

HOST: Yeah we’ll give you both that point, it’s one all. Spell recommend. Prime Minister said R.E.C.O.M.M.E.N.D. So did you Suze and both correct.

HOST: Spelling is normally your weakness, so it’s two all.

HOST: I know, oh my god.


So we go to the third. Ben Affleck currently stars as which superhero? Suze, you took a stab at ‘Superman’ didn’t you?



Yeah I did take a stab.


And Prime Minister you passed on that one as well, it’s Batman.




Oh! Knew it was one of the ‘men’


There you go, there’s your first bite. It’s two all on the top of the fourth. Bill Gates co-founded which company, you both said Microsoft, you’re both correct. Now which country has the largest population.

Interestingly enough you both said India, India has a population of 1.3bn the largest population is China with 1.5bn and that means it’s a draw at two all.


It means that Madame butterfly has taken out [inaudible] Mr Turnbull, terrible news.


Oh, gosh.


You’ve been taken down.


Fair enough, well that’s good. That’s good congratulations, Susie.


Oh bad luck, I’m actually glad that you said India had the most population, I don’t feel so stupid now.



Yeah well you know it is going to, they’re very close. I think they’re actually a bit closer than that.




And India will overtake China.


Is that right?


China’s population is ageing and India’s population is much younger and growing.


They’re breeding like crazy aren’t they?


If you come back in a few years Susie, we will definitely be right.





See, there you go.


Now because you’ve been such a good sport -


What happens now?


He’s been such a good sport, I figure like what’s the number one item as far as Australia’s concerned at the moment Prime Minister that you want to say to people listening at the moment? The number one message that you’d like to get across?


Well, we’ve got some great private health insurance reforms today, building on a series of great announcements this week about health.

Introducing a new Gardasil which of course is a vaccine against HPV, human papillomavirus and proofing young Australian girls against cervical cancer.


Yeah that’s great.


We’ve brought a new Gardasil in, some more other lifesaving drugs this week. But in terms of private health insurance, what we’re doing is announcing some very big reforms.

We’ll make private health insurance affordable, more affordable for young Australians. The private health insurers in Australia will be able to offer discounts of up to 10 per cent for the under 30s.

We are lowering the price of implanted medical devices - hips and knees and so forth - which will result in lower premium increases for people from April next year. We’re ensuring that private health insurance is more understandable. So there will be ‘gold, silver, bronze, basic’ categories set out, so that people will be able to see more clearly and compare and contrast the different plans that are being offered.

So a lot of other changes too, but this is all part of our commitment to ensuring that Australians continue to have the best possible health services. Public health services, hospitals, Medicare, guaranteeing Medicare and of course making sure we keep on bringing life-saving drugs onto the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, so that everyone who needs them can afford them.


Yeah, that’s good. I mean what happens when you give the Prime Minister a free swing?


He takes it.


He swings doesn’t he?


He puts it down the middle about 300 yards is what he does. Have you sent your form back in PM, yet? For the referendum?


Oh yeah absolutely. Lucy and I voted ‘yes’ and did that weeks ago.

You know it’s going - I don’t know what the results will be - but the participation rate is fantastic. Well over 60 per cent of people have responded, there’s another three weeks or so to go. You’ve got ‘til November 7, so if you haven’t filled in your form and sent it back, please do so. Make sure you have your say.


Alright excellent, thanks heaps for joining us Mr Turnbull.


Thanks a lot, thanks Susie.


Okay thanks!


The PM!