PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Turnbull, Malcolm

Period of Service: 15/09/2015 - 24/08/2018
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Radio interview with Kim Landers, ABC AM


New visa arrangements start today to limit which jobs will be open to skilled workers from overseas.

While the Federal Government says its abolishing 457 visas it will still allow employers to bring in foreign skilled workers under two new classes of visa. But it will tighten the rules and scrap many of the job categories that could previously be filled by overseas workers. The Government is also expected to announce a training package soon to help ensure more Australians are capable of filling those jobs. For more, the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull joins me on the line now. Prime Minister good morning.


Good morning.


How many Australians will get jobs as a result of these tighter restrictions on foreign workers?


Well certainly there will be more opportunities for Australians to get jobs. The reality is that we have to make sure that Australian jobs are for Australians first and foremost. This is about putting Australians first, Australian jobs first, Australian values first.


Well you say you’re doing it to promote jobs for Australians so do you have a rough idea of how much employment it might create?


Well what it will do, it will ensure that employers have to put Australians first. At the moment they don’t have to in most cases advertise or do market testing, it’ll ensure that they will seek to find Australians to fill those jobs and we’ve taken hundreds of occupations off the skills list, off the 457 list, of course we are abolishing the 457s as you said and this will mean that there will be more jobs available for Australians but above all this is about putting Australians and their jobs first.


How many people will come in under the new visas because there are about 95,000 people here on 457s at the moment, so how many under these two new categories?


Well there will be less and they will stay for less time. At the moment the 457s come in for four years and they are able to be renewed within Australia. Under the new arrangements there will be a short term skills visa for two years and it can only be renewed once. And then the person holding it has to go back to their home country and if their employer wants them to come back they’ve got to reapply from overseas. There’ll be a medium term skills visa with less than 200 occupations on it so really that’s more than 400 less than is currently on the 457-


But you’re not putting any cap on the number of people that could come in under these visas?


If you just let me finish, and they will come in for four years and so that is for strategic skill shortages. In terms of the absolute number of people, it will depend obviously on the demands of the economy and on skill shortages but you see we’ve got two objectives here; one is to ensure that wherever an Australian is available to fill an Australian job vacancy, the Australian fills it.

The second thing is to ensure that we do not have skills gaps identified or occupations identified where there isn’t a skill gap.

The third thing is to make sure that we are training Australians to do Australian jobs and we’ll be saying more about the training fund arrangements in the Budget but what we want to make sure is that where there are long and enduring skill shortages in Australia, that Australians are being trained to do that work. It’s all about putting Australians first, their jobs first, our values first.


Prime Minister if we look at some of the specific sectors. Why are cooks and chefs still on the list?


Well they’re on the list plainly because employers are saying they can’t find Australians to do the work.


We can’t train any Australians to do those jobs?


That is exactly my point, I’m glad you raised it. That is one of the enduring skills gaps and that is where we need to make sure that our training fund is focused on and employers are focused on, training Australians to do that work.


Can you tell us how much companies applying to bring in foreign workers are going to have to pay into this national fund to train those Australian workers to fill skill shortages?


Yes, that will all be announced in the Budget.  The arrangements of the training fund will be announced in the Budget, the visa charges for the visas, you know to apply for the visas, will be around $1200 for the two year, $1150 for the short term stream and $2400 for the medium term stream.


So on this training fund would companies have to pay a fee depending on their size?


All of the details Kim will be announced in the Budget.


Are you going to tighten the evidence that employers have to give that they’ve tested the market, that they can’t get Aussie workers and therefore they need a foreign worker?


The labour market testing will be rigorously applied and employers will have to demonstrate that they have advertised over the previous six-month period and that they have acted, you know they have used in good faith their very best efforts to find Australians to do the work. And we’ll-


And how are you going to check on those, sorry, how are you going to check on those failed recruitment efforts because there’s previously been some criticism that that sort of market testing is very easy to evade.


I know there has been, and we’ll be making sure that, the Department will make sure and the Minister will make sure that the employers are held to their commitment.  If they want people to come in under the replacement for the 457 Visas, under the new visas, then they have to demonstrate that their market testing has worked.  And if they fail to meet their requirements, details of their failure will be published.  We are going to be very transparent about this.


So you’re going to name and shame them, but would there be financial penalties for employers who incorrectly use these two new visas?


Well if, where employers breach their obligations then they won’t be able to get further people in under visas. So, look, employers have a vested interest in complying with the law. Kim, this is a, I recognise that there are a lot of people who will try to criticize this on political grounds and I’ve heard a bit of that on the ABC already this morning, trying to treat this as a political issue.  This is not about politics, this is about putting Australians first, making sure Australians get Australian jobs first and making sure we defend Australian values in doing so.


Well talking about the politics, the US President Donald Trump has just signed a Buy American, Hire American executive order today.  Does it bother you that your announcement is being described as Trumpesque?


Well this announcement has followed on a very careful policy development process going back well over a year.  It’s been carefully considered by Cabinet weeks ago, it’s gone through all of the processes, all of our processes.  So this is a carefully considered decision that has been developed and it reflects our policy of putting Australians and Australian jobs first.  And you know commentators can make whatever comparisons they like but my Government is committed to putting Australians and Australian jobs first.


Back in March 2013 the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced that her Government was tightening the 457 program and you tweeted at that time that her attack on 457s strikes at the heart of skilled migration systems.  So what’s changed?


Well look I’m glad that you’re analyzing tweets from four years ago but I’m focused on governing Australia today.  And I’m putting Australian jobs first, Australians for Australian jobs first.  And what we have seen and we saw it particularly under the Labor government and particularly under Bill Shorten’s time as Employment Minister is a shocking abuse of the temporary skilled migration program.  Bill Shorten was an Olympic champion in issuing 457 Visas.  Do you know, in three years, Kim I know this might be disagreeable to you but let me give you some facts.  In the three years of the last term of the Gillard Government, Labor increased 457 Visa holders by two thirds. They claimed and Shorten claims today it was all about the mining boom, do you know what? Less than 10 per cent of them went into the mining sector – most went…


Well Prime Minister let me ask you something about your plans, let me ask you something about your plans -


… Sydney and Melbourne.


Let me ask you something about your plans.  These changes also affect the path to residency and citizenship. The Financial Review is reporting that there will be a provisional visa before someone is granted permanent residency and that would give people restricted access to social security. Is that true?


Look, I’m not going to comment on that report. I’d just simply focus on the fact that under the, the temporary the two temporary stream visas, the two-year visa and the four-year medium term visa. Under the two-year visa there is not a pathway to permanent residence. Under the four-year visa, the people can apply after they’ve been here for three years obviously they’ve then got to meet other requirements.  But it is a, but what we are doing is clearly protecting Australian jobs and Australian values by ensuring that people who come in under these streams have a higher standard of English that they’ve obviously had a proper criminal check and that they’ve had work experience-


OK look I’m -


Do you know at the moment you can get a 457 Visa without ever, that could be your first job?

So you could come from a foreign country without any work experience, come to Australia-


Prime Minister -


Displace an Australian who is actually got work experience.


Prime Minister let me ask you about something else.  There is a report today that an Iraqi military unit with US and Australian advisers has been hit by an Islamic State group chemical attack. How many Australians were involved?


This is my, my advice right at the moment is that no Australian troops were affected by the chemical attack but Australian troops, Australian forces did provide assistance following the attack. Now that’s my current advice, received literally in the last few minutes.


On North Korea, you’ve said it’s time for Beijing to end this reckless threat. Are you overestimating the extent of China’s influence over Pyongyang?


Ah no, I’m not. I’ve been discussing this issue with Chinese officials for years. I’ve been discussing it with Chinese leaders both Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, and the Foreign Minister Wang Yi for that matter since I’ve been Prime Minister. China is the country with by far the most leverage over North Korea.

Now I recognise and the Chinese will say that Kim Jong-un is difficult to deal with, they will say that you know, that he is not somebody that they can direct or you know order around but they, I think China does find the North Korean regime frustrating.  But the fact of the matter is Kim, that China has got, can if it wishes to, it can cut off North Korea’s economic lifeline to the world. It has the leverage and the eyes of the world are on Beijing.


Okay Prime Minister -


So it is on Beijing to step up and stop this reckless, dangerous regime threatening the peace of the region and the world.


Okay Prime Minster we’re out of time, thank you very much for speaking to AM.