PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004067.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

f I sheck-aqci. nst cixev
Z T ' 2CTOR:, 7. L T-' T,
I'cO rna I at a0gic io : c US ad o I, C anevzs c
SC a t;
2s ea f. e tt~-e the Sn-estix o. nt h~ ra
brief.] y r* CV~ icw our1-1 obje -0 a0 uS oa aso3
You are n-ow~ al, -ua~ thato ur fi akison. n7~
-1-er-coffI rol. 0o' Y rñ-o ca-in thr&
all tho-: se w. ho % 7ut o wrk
h~ aelr ~ acb: tart-ed the long; roil. b: aCk.-etkn
au brOf resue -to re2auce Was e~ 2e~ o ni
duplicat: ion fticula-rly in the, ars', a of 35.7 Z2rn
All tole~, SECP; z Sou ot $ 360 milionha7e been eo,_ ecy
in this current : j-rnancial vc.-r. This 7ill u1s a rcc a
bae tZ) C.-U
uc a ZLuI a hre task.
erso r. j, L_ ri4t hha~ ylv ccii-
No it ~ w ill bs' nec es s sar tocEon s m er h h
Pro. Jects which are nyot urg-nt, BCaueo helgL C nito
le t c ec s c -s t er s no no
easy Solution

long wihcur tons 1i dealin with the aoh
Co., er7: en'C -7f~ it we e tak-en f~ e st
rcn: fa~ o~, encoiura-e investment ana cre4ate job
1, T. havze also quovldk ly to assist f irmerS ove'r come ma n
of their problemr~ s thatL' stem froi-i inflation.
our su; DiuortL for rural indus-try will be based on-tChIe
obi active ad--vz: ce of the IndustriesAsitceCrms'.
Unlike the previo-us Labour aci i-Jto w ill not-Iisregard
this ad-vice Just beca-use it happens to concern wlarJand
growth of the rural corumunity,.
Wle are energetically pursuing proposals for a Rur1al B'ank
and a Farm Income Reserve Fund. When all the advice onthc
two proposals is -to hand,-iwill imedtlvresort our . nte_-. tons
to you.
The Government wll enthusiastically pro: m-ote overseas tradc
We will seek ' to spen niew marketq for Australian products
an*( 7 -maintain our trade relations wiLh establ ishe~ d m. ark\ eats.
There is not time in this broadcast to talkc about our
policias and planned legislation in indus~ trial relations, Social
welfare, environmjent, consumer affairs, education and so o-n.
But I do wartt stress thE, point that 1on-ter col
eco: nomy, going again.
WeC want to encourage the developmzent of Australia where
individuals have maximum f reedom a. nd indenendence in the ay,
they achieve their personal goals.
We want to create an atmosphere where i-ndiividuals are given
OPPORtTUN*',, ITY for self expression and advancement.

W: e woant iess not rrore, Govermnent ine: vnion eope't lives.
I think Sir John Ierrn~ ed up our attitue in his opnlard,,-
sraach to the Parlia.. e.-t on Tuesd y w,; hen h-saic...
INI Govern-, ent is not conceec! with' poar for itself.
It is tie servant of the Australian people. Its purpose
is to work with th2 peo: le to create an Astralian d? ocracv
whicb viill be an example to the world of what a free people
can achieve."