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Mr Whitlam is attempting to ignore the basic bread and butter
issues which affect the everyday lives of Australians.
He is behaving as if all the sins of his government never
existed. He is behaving like a man living in another world certainly
not in Australia.
Our policy will be devoted to the future to the solution of'
Australia" oproblems.
It will spell out the hard work and effort that will be required
by the incoming Liberal National Country Party Government to
0 promote recovery and pay off the huge debts built up in three
years of Labor rule..
Our policies will restore to Australia to responsibility, together
with a sense of purpose and direction.
That is the great contrast between us.
We can make Australia one promise that Mr Whitlam can never match
in a thousand years a promise of honesty and responsibility in
government. So far, Mr Whitlam is attempting to campain on the basis that
rhetoric will hide essential facts from the people.
The facts are that it is Mr Whitlam himself who is guilty of
threatening democracy through his attempt to govern without
parliamentary approval. L / 2
It was Mr Whitlam w4hb intended to take over the bank deposits
of ordinary -people and use them to pay the government's debts.
It was Mr Whitlam who defied the Parliament, which inc~ ludes the
Governor-General and the Senate.
Hie spoke of the Parliament as if. it were only himself.
The record slums that. Mr Whitlam' a ultimate objectives included
the elimination, of theState Government and the abolition of
the Senata.
Since last.: night it is'also clear that he now wants a
puppet Governor-General rather than a man who will honourably*
execute that : of fice..
If these objectives aeachieved by Mr Whitlam we-will be well@
down the road. not to democracy but to dictatorship..
There is. no-threat to demcracy because the people are-being'
givyen the opportunity to vote and to judge. Hfis whole speech
revolved around this non-issue.
Hewas ausg. us -of. the.-sin that he himself conmitted.
What the people want to know and understand is how unemployment
is.. to be overcxree, how inflation will be brought under control,,
how-' schooL_ leavers caa get jobs; how small businesses9 will..
survive: how Investment will take off again,. how -new raining
and oil search projects will be undertaken in partnership with
Australians,.--Mr Whitlam ignored the young people who can no
longer buy hcmes* ' he -ignored the elderly and the retired who are
being destroyed by iif lation.