PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003981.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The Governor-General has made it known that certain complaints
that were directed to him have been referred to me for advice.
The complaints concern guidelines and the terms under which
the present Government is operating up to the election.
I have already made it plain that I have full confidence in
Permanent Heads and that I believe they would not convey to
their Departments any request that they believed to be outside
the guidelines. But I also believe it appropriate that a
procedure be established which will enable me to advise the
Governor-General properly concerning complaints or petitions
that might be directed to him.
Therefore, such matters as are referred to His Excellency will
be referred by me to the Chairman of the Public Service Board,
and the Secretary of my Department, who would consult with the
Head of the Department concerned. They would report to me and
if necessary, I would consult with the Minister and advice
would be forwarded to the Governor-General.
.1 repeat that the undertaking that I have given to the
. Governor-General ( that my Government will act as a Caretaker-
Government until a general election is held) is to be
strictly and scrupulously applied and any doubts that a Minister
mayhave as to conduct in particular circumstances, should be
discussed with his Permanent Head, the Chairman of the Public
Service Board./ or with the Head of my Department. If these
doubts remain, no action is to be taken until the matter is
raised directly with me as Prime Minister.
-bte r N ' 1975.0,
19th November, 1975. * L