The Liberal and National Country Parties Government will take
steps after December 13 to bring the Northern Territory to
Our aim-is that the Territory should achieve full Statehood
over the next 5 years.
As a first step. and in co-operation with the Territorial Assembly
we would. begin the immediate implementation of recommendations
by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the transfer of powers
to the Northern Territory. This report has been ignored for 12
months by the ihitlam administration.
Our aim is the maximum degree of autonomy for the Northern Territory
in the shortest possible time.
During the 23 years of Liberal National Country Party Government
up until 1972, the Northern Territory prospered and Darwin grew
from a city of 8,000 to a city of 48P00..
During the past three years there has been stagnation.
As a first step towards progress we will begin the implementation
of the recommendations Which the Joint Parliamentary Committee.
made in November last year.
This Committee recommended that the Northern Territory Legislative
Assembly should acquire executive responsibility for a large number
of Northern Territory Statutory authorities.
Among the responsibilities which the Joint Parliamentary'Committee
said could be taken over immediately were such bodies as the
Housing Commission and the Tourist Board, museums and art galleries
and the public service. .1
The Committee also recommended the transfer from Canberra to Darwin
of such State functions as collecting payroll tax and other
local taxes agricultural services local transport and local
government, sewerage and electricity, liquor licensing and
gaming laws.
It also recommended as a first stage that powers be shared between
the Territory and the National Government in the fields of
Education, Health, the Courts, Rural and Urban Land,-Urban
Development and Ports and Roads.
We will set up a Joint Federal and Northern Territory Legislative
Assembly Committee to work on arrangements for the transition
to Statehood.
This Committee would set about implementing the Parliamentary
Committees other recommendations on the transfer of responsibilities
It would recommend sblutions to problems as they arise.
During the transfer, the status and opportunity of the public
service will be preserved. There will be full and proper
revenue equilisation arrangements to enable the territory to
develop as it once was able to.
The aim is the maximum degree of autonomy and. control in the
shortest possible time.
The Liberal and National Country Party Government after December
13 will also adopt and implement two reports by the Indtstries
Assistance Commission on the Beef Industry.
The first of the IAC Repqrts. make provision for emergency. aid
to the industry by suspending the export levy on bees. of 1.6
cents per pound and by providing funds for special assistance
for producers who have been hit by the fall in beef prices.
The second IAC recommendation is that producers should be compensated
when their cattle show positive reactions to tests under the
tubercullosis and brucellosis eradication programs.
Beef producers in the Territory-and throughout Australia have
suffered severely during the uncertainty produced by the Labor
administration during the past three years.
The past Government has pursued a hard line resources policy
Sabroad which has rebounded on Australian producers.
This week the U. S. Authorities closed their market to further
meat exports for the remainder of the year.
Immediately after December 13 we will initiate Government to
Government discussion to ensure past misunderstandings are resolved.
We will recreate the circumstances in which mining ventures can
operate. Overseas Investment will be welcomed in partnership with
Australian investors.
We are going to get Australia moving.
The Mining Industry which means so much to the Northern Territory
will be part of that.
There has not been a single major mineral development project
started in the past three years.
What has happened to mining industry demonstrates Labor's
failure and incompetence as much as anything else.