PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003900.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

7 PRIME MINISTER Press Statement No. 565
26 September 1975
The Prime Minister today announced that Mr Justice
A. E. Woodward, O. B. E. is to be appointed as head of the
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation.
Mr Justice Woodward has been a Judge of the Australian
Industrial Court and of the Supreme Courts of the Australian
Capital Territory and the Northern Territory since 1972. In 1974
he was appointed President of the Trade Practices Tribunal.
Mr Whitlam said that before his appointment to
judicial office Mr Justice Woodward had had a distinguished legal
career. He had appeared as counsel for the Yirrkala Aborigines
in their land rights claim on the Gove Peninsula. He had also
appeared as counsel assisting the Royal Commission enquiring
into drilling on the. Barrier Reef.
On 15 December 1972 the Australian Government
appointed Mr Justice Woodward to conduct a judicial inquiry into
Aboriginal rights in land.
The Prime Minister said that it was appropriate that
the very important position of Director General of Security
should be filled by a Judge. In the Government's view, this
position should in future always be filled by a person holding
judicial office. Mr Justice Woodward would bring to the
position qualities and a background of experience that made
him eminently suitable for appointment to it. Legislation would
be introduced to provide that Mr Justice Woodward would continue
to have judicial status while he held this office.
The Prime Minister added that Mr Justice Woodward has
commitments as President of the Trade Practices Tribunal that
will require his attention for some weeks ahead. His appointment
will take effect from 24 November 1975. In the meantime,
Mr F. J. Mahony, Deputy Secretary, Attorney-Generalls
Department, would act as Director-General of Security.
The Prime Minister also announced that Mr P. Barbour,
the present head of the Australian Security Intelligence
Organisation, would be appointed Australian Consul General in
New York, He will succeed General Sir John Wilton, C. B.,
who will be completing his term of office in
October. / 2

I -2-
Mr Whitlam said that the appointment of an officer
of Mr Barbour's seniority and experience to the position of
Consul General in New York was in keeping with the Government's
desire to strengthen and develop its relations with the
United States of America.
Mr Barbour served in the A. I. F. from 1944 to 1946
and joined ASIO in 1951. He was appointed Deputy Director-General
in 1965 and Director-General in 1970.