PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003763.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

PRIME MINISTER Press Statement
a June 1975
Residential streets have been included in urban
local roads assistance for the first time. This means that
Australian Government money can go towards helping local
authorities improve streets in their areas.
The Prime Minister and Member for Werriwa, Mr Whitlam
said today he was delighted to be able to confirm the
Australian Government's policy of providing financial help
to local government so as to help improve the urban
environment. Three projects had been approved in the Werriwa
electorate, he said. The total cost would be $ 191,000 in
1974/ 75. Mr Whitlam said $ 60,000 would be provided for
improving St John's Road through reconstruction between
Sackville Street and Gladstone Street.
One side of Gordon Road will be reconstructed and
kerbed and guttered for $ 113,500. This will be in Gordon
Road from Newbridge Road to Barry Road. Another $ 17,500
will help close some Ingleburn roads for pedestrian use,
namely, various roads bounded by Chester Road, Brenda Street,
Sackville Street and Ingleburn Road.
Mr Whitlam said that the improvements to residential
streets made possible by these grants would have a significant
impact on the environment and on people's lives on the
immediate area of the local road improvement programs.
He said that a total of $ 10.08 million would be
allocated to N. S. W. for local road improvements during the 1974/ 75
to 1976/ 77 period. In all N. S. W. would get $ 2.18 million this
financial year 1974/ 75, rising to $ 3.3 million in 1975/ 76 and
$ 4.6 million in 1976/ 77. Mr Whitlam said the level of these
grants could be expected to increase in subsequent legislation.
He said approved programs in worked out in
co-operatidfbithuLthei. N. i. NSt. W. Govetiment, timicJ6dedi'a subs teiniiiM
amount of" road and -treet" sealing in fringe areas, as well as
strengthening of streets to carry buses. There were also a
number of projects which were designed to improve the safety,
visual quality and the environment of residential areas,
he added.