PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003717.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

23 April 1975
The Prime Minister, Mr Whitlam, announced
today that the Interim Council of the Australian
National Gallery has accepted the generous offer
of a gift from one of Australia's most prominent
artists, Mr Arthur Boyd, who has presented to the
Gallery a large collection of his work dating from
his earliest years as an artist. The gift is
conservatively valued at $ 1,900,000.'
Mr Whitlam said that the Interim Council was
most enthusiastic in its praise of this gift, which
includes over two hundred paintings in various media,
from 1938 until 1974, two tapestries, more than
a thousand drawings, a group of ten sculp tures in
bronze and ceramic, and a small group of pastels.
As well, Mr Boyd has given a large and important
collection of his graphic work. This last consists
of approximately 800 etchings, aquatints, drypoints
and lithographs and includes many etching plates
which have never been printed or released. Mr
Boyd is to allow the Gallery to print these in
limited editions and sell them for the Gallery's
purposes. This generous offer is of great value both
to the Gallery and to the public, who will have
available to them in this way the work of one of Australia's
greatest artists.-
Mr Whitlam went on to say that the Gallery's
Australian collection could not but be considerably
enriched by this generous gift from a famous
Australian artist, for it would not only further the
aim of the Gallery to have the best examples of
visual arts in all its forms but also give the
Australian people an opportunity to see in depth the
work of an artist who had played a significant role
in an important stage in the development of Australian

The Prime Minister also announced that in
addition to making a gift of his own work, Mr Boyd,
together with other members of his family
Messrs, David and Guy Boyd, Mrs Lucy Beck and
Mrs Mary Perceval had presented the Gallery with a
large group of paintings by their late father, Merric
Boyd. This was another valuable and generous gift
from a munificent arnd talented family which
had contributed much to Australia's artistic
achievements in many fields.
Mr Whitlam also paid tribute to Mr Joseph
Brown of Melbourne, who had acted for Mr Boyd in
making the detailed arrangements which led to the
gift being handed over to the Gallery.
ARTHUR BOYD: Born 11irrumbeena, Victoria, 1920,
studied mily within the family circle. Was
greatly assisted by his uncle, Martin Boyd, the
novelist, who made it possible for Arthur Boyd to
devote himself to painting in his formative years.
After a number of commissions in Melbourne
he went to London in 1960 where his exhibition at the
Zwemmer Gallery was followed by a large retrospective
exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery, London, in
1962, which established his international reputation.
His work is in all Australian State galleries and a
number of overseas collections.
Mr Boyd returned to Australia to live a few
months ago.
Mr R. C. Crebbin, Sydney ( Chairman)
Miss P. Bell, Brisbane
Mrs J. Dawson Boddy, Binalong, N. S. W.
Mr G. Cohen, Oerth,'
Mr L. French, Melbourne,
Professor P. McCauighey, Melbourne,
Mr J. Mollison, Canberra,
Mr D. J. Munro, Canberra
Mr L. Parr, Melbourne,
Mr F. Williams, Melbourne,
Mr D. Wynn, Adelaide

The Prime Minister also announced that in
addition to making a gift of his own work, Mr Boyd,
together with other members of his family
Messrs, David and Guy Boyd, Mrs Lucy Beck and
Mrs Mary Perceval had presented the Gallery with a
large group , of paintings by their late father, Merric
Boyd. This was another valuable and generous gift
from a munificent and talented family which
had contributed much to Australia's artistic
achievements in many fields.
Mr Whitlam also paid tribute to Mr Joseph
Brown of Melbourne, who had acted for Mr Boyd in
making the detailed arrangements which led to the
gift being handed over to the Gallery.
,, iZUIPU . D
ARTHUR BOYD: * Born Mrrumbeena, Victoria, 1920,
studied mainly within the family circle. Was
greatly assisted by his uncle, Martin Boyd, the
novelist, who made it possible for Arthur Boyd to
devote-himself to painting in-his formative years.
* As a Cot a : c
!. fAfter; a number of commissions in Melbourne
he went to London in 1960 where his exhibition at the
Zwemmer Gallery was followed by a large retrospective
exhibition at. the Whitechapel Gallery, London, in
1962, which: established his international reputation.
His work is in-all Australian State galleries and a
number of overseas collections.
Mr-Boyd returned to Australia to live a few
months ago.
Mr R. C. Crebbin, Sydney ( Chairman)
Miss P. Bell, Brisbane-
Mrs J. Dawson. Boddy, Binalong, N. S. W.
Mr G. Cohen, Oerth,'
Mr L. French, Melbourne,
Professor P. McCaughey, Melbourne,
Mr J. Mollison, Canberra,
Mr D. J. Munro, Canberra
Mr L. Parr,... Melbourne,
Mr F. Williams,: Melbourne,
Mr D. Wynn, Adelaide