PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003649.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

I _ I Press Sta'ement No. 464
1.1 March 1975
The Prime Minister and Acting Foreign Minister,
Mr E. G. Whi{-iam, and the Minister for Science, Mr Bill
Morrison, announced today that a party of five Soviet
plaiit scientists will arrive in Porth on Thursday morning,
13 March. The group is visiting Ausurali. a for two weeks
under the auspices of the Australian/ Soviet Science
Agreemert. During its Australian visit the Soviet plant
scientists will have discussions witn Australi. n scientists
to map out possibe areas where subsequenL Austraian/
Soviet collaboration in the plant sciences can be develoned.
The Soviet plant scientists will visit the
Western Australia Department of Acricu. lture and the
C. S. I. R. O. Division of Land Resources Management in Perth,
and the W7aite Institute and the C. S. I. r. O. Divisions of
Soils and of Horticultural Research in Adelaide. At
Griffith the Soviet group will inspect work at the C. S. I. R. O.
Division of Irrigation Research. In Canberra visits will
be paid to the C. S. I. R. O. Divisions of Plant Industry and
of Land Use Research and the Australian National University.
The Soviet group will then go to Sydney, and have discussions
at the University of Sydney, Macquarie University, and the
N. S. W. Department of 2griculture. During visits to Tamworth
and Armidale the Soviet plant scientiscs will call at the
National Wheat Collection and the University of New England.
Their rrogram concludes with a visit to the C. S. T. R. O.
Division of Tropical Agronomy in Brisbane.
Mr Whitlam and Mr Morrison said that a group of
Australian plant scientists, led by Dr L. T. Pvans, planned
to pay a return visit to the Soviet Union in mid-year to
Finalise the program of co-operation in plant sciences
-chat would be recommended to the Australian and Soviet
Governments. The members of the visiting Soviet plant industry
group are: Academician A. V. Pukhalsky,
All-Union Academy of Agricultaral Sciences;
Dr M. N. Rodin, USSR Ministry oF Agricliture;
Academician 1. Z. Boodin, All-Uanion Institute of
Plant Industry; / 2