JANUAiR--Y 10,17
The Ac t 4ng Prime Dlllinisl er an6 T-,-asucor, Dr. J. P. CaiL: r. E
SZaid todc-y that he-hone-d s; oon be able to meet State-c P-nrlcr23
to dis-cuss -o~ elt-~ aefinanrceiall ati onships
especially as th1ey affecctecc empl. lymnt-Dr. Cai. rnus
comu" Tenl ing o17 a st-Item,: t -tile Premier of N. S, 14., ilr-. ei,
that 3"' 000 State public S -_-vants faced dismissal becaalse o'!
~ 213: t9. of finance..
fie said he hopEd th1at ' che planll(-tc discussions aith Lhe
P'remniers would be held in a * esponsible, non-poliLical
~ N. Lew. is ' s st~ atement: inaJca-', ef3 the de-gree of dcpendencre
StategoLr1-cc now ha~ ve c)) i Th-e Aust-alian ~ aeoeK.
Dr. Cairns said.
w1~ ouldC havo expe: ' Cv: ad tha 1. E Mr. I, ewi** s se~ riou'slythak
tlhat hr' -Laces t~ hedimisa o. F 3000 people-, he would have
coiaa directly to iti ari. d no-L-to the Press,.
" It is unrcason VIble cor poli'-ical pressure_ tLo IxD used to
t a problem'. Of tChi i; n : tur
vouiLd hocpc that 1-r. . L wc\ uld prefe(-r tlhie sort-LS of
discussion. s T p2: or-0sc. to comnaigthrough the
Pres Dr. Cairns Lad tha. L 2. stralian governmtent Ti easuryv of-ficials
wIould met:-with SLuteL-c-C'ove rnmeic-nt Tpreasury of ficials in the)
next -melk or so.
Kc. ioulc. 12eeI-StaIte Labocr leaders aL-Ki : ribilli H~ ouse,, Syclnc:,,
on J2. m.' ory