PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003572.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Office of the Prime Minister

Press Release No. 4126
The Prime Minister today released the texts of
further messages of condolence on the Darwin cyclone.
People's Republic of China
" Shocked to learn that the city of Darwin wa~ s hit
by a terrific cyclone with disastrous consequences. On
behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I wish to
express our heartfelt sympathy and solicitude to you,
and through you, to the Australian Government and the people
in Darwin. Chou En-lai, Premier of the State Council of
the People's Republic of China."
Lesotho " It is with the deepest sense of shock and sorrow
that I and the. Government and people of Lesotho hasten to offer
to you, your Government and the people of Australia our
heartfelt condolences on the tragic devastation which has
overtaken the city of Darwin and its people. Our sincere
sympathy is extended to you and all those who have been
bereaved and rendered homeless by this disaster. Please be
so gracious as to accept the sum of R1000 from the Kingdom
of Lesotho as a token of relief to those in need.
Leabua Jonathan, Prime Minister of the Kingdom
of Lesotho."
Arab Republic of Egypt
" On behalf of the Government and people of the
Arab Republic of* Egypt, of all Egyptian residents in Australia,
of the members of the Embassy and my family and in my name
I wish to express to you, to the Government and people of
Australia our deepest sympathy at the tragedy which struck
Darwin. We were shocked by the severity of the valuable human loss.
Your efforts will undoubtedly alleviate the intensity of
the disasters. A. W. Marzouk, Ambassador of Egypt",.
Papua New Guinea ( additional message)
" As further news reports of the extent of the
devastation in Darwin reach me, my sympathy for the people
in the devastated city of Darwin is deepening. Please be
assured that Papua New Guinea is only too willing to assist
in aiding in the rehabilitation of the effected area. You
are aware of our limited resources. However, I would be only
too pleased to assist if possible in any way you might care
to suggest. Once again please convey the sympathy of the Papua
New Guinea Government and all Papua New Guineans on this tragic
C eent M. T. Somare, Chief Minister."

Bangladesh " We are deeply grieved to hear about the
extensive damages to life and property caused to Darwin
City by one of the worst cyclones in the living memory
of Australia. Please accept the deepfelt sympathies
from my own behalf and on behalf of the Government and
the people of Bangladesh. -Sheikh Muribur Rahman,
Prime Minister of the
People's Republic of
Canada " I have been shocked to learn of the tragic
loss of life and destruction of property suffered in
Darwin on Christmas Day. My deepest personal sympathy
a!-d that of all Canadians goes to those who have suffered
so cruelly and at a time when most thoughts are directed
in the Christmas tradition to the joys of home and family.
-Pierre Elliott Trudeau,
Prime Minister of Canada"
Seychelles " On behalf of Chief Minister, Government and
people of Seychelles, please accept our sincere sympathy
in cyclonic disaster which has struck city of Darwin
where number of Seychellois reside.
-Allan, Governor of Seychelles"
Pakistan " We have been deeply shocked and grieved at the
news of heavy loss of life and utter devastation caused by
the cyclone which hit the north Australian port of Darwin.
We in Pakistan share with Your Excellency and the people
of Australia your deep sense of loss. I offer on behalf
of the Government and the people of Pakistan and on my own
behalf our sincerest syr. athies and heartfelt condolences
to Your Excellency, to the people affected by the cyclone
and to the people of Australia. -Zulfikar Ali Bhutto,
Prime Minister of Pakistan"
" I am greatly distressed to learn about the loss
of life and damagje caused by the disastrous cyclone in
Darwin. I extend to Your Excellency and through you to
the people of the affected area heartfelt sympathies.
-U Sein Win, Prime Minister"

" With deepfelt sorrow I received the news about
the cyclone which has struck the area around Port Darwin.
May I, also in the name of the Government of the Federal
Republic of Germai-y, express my deepest sympathy for the
victims of this unexpected catastrophy. -Helmut Schmidt,
Federal Chancellor
29 December 1974