PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003560.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Cairns, Dr J. F.

L~ Ih A CJLR : Piws" 1 11 S' D. c iWr
' FTho Actinra Primei Mi riW-Ler, Dr. f. F. Cairns, ta cp'.:. dt'
aro-i7 t-knb h ic Loi:. iar tuoe. ~ cmhn a'-Jir CL
11 i. q'il Couri: the Vc of Au: ra Iic)-1 Go~ e'ran unir,)* clvm j
T tu 1 thc worst ev: mple ofI pl. 3. y-rpoJ-L-Ies the Cd
evI. redp -oplc: tlhat ~* chave ee Dr. Cai-cms SLid.
. I;: 1hc Stiate; haCd cons.:-Ldeyre-d Lh c' wJ S a-A3 LI : irig wronc! : 1.
' iY'f'CSC t ~ iC2-~ 5 t was open frLh( om at TZJ
co ns-; : i1uc. tC LV sugoucst ions a nd. these would ai ' U0 e ill
t; 3'. c-I into CC. ount.
TiIhey d9& ota,. dI theimseives of thatI sji'iple oruiy
Thie cdetructivc acti-on of the Victorian Goverwmcrit th'ae the
Australian Covc. cnrn'-wt ' rs ent. re welfare psrogrrnaic and hItCE, r~~
tChe my-d, tite hai dica. pped, the hoieluoss and the~ UlCL) O'
1I) w my. oemntcould conitemplaLe suha bodly-blow to t.-7A
Fsec io; n cif thie com-mui. irhIy is > c.-yoiid compr eherisioy'.
P~ rocj-~ ststhat are in jeom -cdy ifth Icnjc ov ccvcv
sue ce00s iGeJu7 o\ ernmunt stcn~ shus ~ teVuICsi? c.:
~' udL~ iehL~ idi~:?: p&', a. sis-tCanco sheitce2 o sh js
handicappd hi1. ucJ trainaing and accurpodu iio* n1 Ihhetrs
vi Lal-meAls-on-wheels service, and tbleovtne~ tr
to) as,'-Ast cruani-al-ioyus which poid acToaion f-orchrJc~
S~ eof-those prograimmes were in : i s tonc c, when -w2 LCoc) o c, 1t
peJ iti-ca]. rature of the challenje is thus coaafiroucT.
ThVec-oanMove aliso destrct-ive because it car. otKLy d( I
the application of re-o. mployment measures which the Australiari
conside-s to be of prime importance.
bespliethe actCion of the ' vicl;: orizn Govcerrjm'iienL, the i~ c1a
Govx'e:.: nraent will continue to adm. inister th: e schecaes -icl1y and.
ade-~ ua. el. Ly
DE the St-ate:.; iaro adamarwtnL aholit p-Lrs isting with thceir osL. cLv
appl'icution it--is to be IhoPE'., 3-ihIatl the Hiigh Court once, azc1 f: 0-1 OJI
wiiJ upk: iold 1-ho rigMc of thc C! crlu oirr& n:.. Oa-SS
cLii~ i ~ e~ e3 ~~ OflC-ii: n-. y beu.. rp yd