PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003463.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

A0 So L!
The 1O-noiLinister today gave details of increased
Azas~ ra'c, overnment e. x-pendi ture in " ueonsland.
I-Ir ~ Jiimwas addressing a crowded luncheon at tho
' Yow ieilbovurne Iotel.
He pointed out that Queensland received ' k" 739 million
from~ thc, t~ ustralian Giovernmecnt during the last finar~ cir-l year.
": ot onliy does i~ xzonsland et much much moire than
she diC œ orn the Libe.-cls in Carnbeymr; she Loscon. iOorably
moro ' c on opulAvion tVacr other A; atues Let nctw," 1 the
i~~ izersvid. . ueo~.~ nd 2ceivoE more than ,38* 1 per liead of
Ypopwti 6on ix.-197' 3-74 compared with -, Y43 per ' head ir. averafe
praynnUs -to v. ll Atos.
Tha,-st year Austra-lia-n Government -ra-nts for p)" Ifmry
anuO Seccon Thary edRucation were 145 per cent on the year,. beforc,
tcrtary ducction was un 165 Per cent, tochnic.-l cuccztion
110 -) or cent, 9 welfare housing 23 per cent, AboriginrA ,, Jwancement
no. al , ox-cenlft. !' Xalth rxnd uelfare, road~ s -nR~ 2 ril
rir~ C. cvcloemcnt in ' ueasiand arc all :-et inf; record -, mouz-bo
AfVor*. i my CGovernme nt. ~ o Liuch fLor the harsh treatment o2
% luceonsland by Canberra," IHr iJhitlam said*
17 Zj-ovem~ jer 1974