PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003313.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

2 July 1974
Th( Prime Minister, Mr Whitlan, announced today
that he has recommended to the Executive Council the appointment
of Mr P. 13. Westerway as a Commissioner of the IAC. The
Prime Minister also announced~ the appointment of Dr J. Melville,
CMG and Messrs Fisk, Poulton, Brown and Grace as Associate
Commissioners of the Industries Assistance Commission.
Mr Westerway's appointment will fill the vacancy
created by Mr N. V. Watson whose term as a Commissioner expired
on 30 June 1974. Mr Watson, however, will continue to carry
out the functions of the Temporary Assistance Authority to which
he was appointed on 1 January 1974.
Mr Westerway, who is an Economics Graduate of Sydney
University and post graduate student of the London School of
Economics has held positions in university, television,
advertising and broadcasting. Hle is also a former'General
Secretary of the New South Wales Branch of the Australian Labor
Party. His interests include consumer protection, economic
planning, education, mass media and social welfare. He has
contributed to various branches of the media and academic
journals, and travelled widely, at various times on the
invitation of Governments.
Dr Melville has been appointed for the inquiry into
the financing of rural research. He was formerly Director of
the Grasslands Division of the New Zealand Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research, and for seventeen years a
Director of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute of the
University of Adelaide. He was also Chairman of the Australian
Wool Industry Conference from. l964-66.
Mr Fisk has been appointed for the inquiry into the
dairy industry and rural reconstruction. He has had extensive
experience as a consultant in rural administration and rural
economics, and owns and manages a grazing proyerty near Braidwood
His previous appointments include Member of the
Consultative Committee to the Asian Development Bank on the Asian
Agricultural Survey7 Visiting Professor at the University of
the South Pacific; and Visiting Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford,
Presently he is a Professorial Fellow in Economics in the Research
School of Pacific'Studies, ANU. / 2

Mr J. Poulton has been appointed for the inquiry into
paints, varnishes and lacquers. He is Director of Olex Cables
Pty. Ltd. and President of the Australian Electrical Manufacturers'
Association and has life long experience in the tyre and cables
industries with Olympic Consolidated Industries Ltd.
Mr K. Brown is General Manager of Pak Pacific
Corporation Pty. Ltd., President of the Printing and Allied Trade
Employers Federation of Australia, Member of ACMA executive and
was a member of the Crisp Committee on Data Integration.
Mr Brown has been appointed for the inquiry into electrical
machinery and equipment.
Mr C. Grace, whose present term as an Associate
Commissioner expires as from 16 July 1974, has been re-appointed
on a temporary basis in order to finalise a number of inquiries
on which he is currently engaged.
Mr . Whitlam also announced the Government's intention
to amend Section 5 of the Industries Assistance Commission Act
1973 to increase the establishment of the Commission to eleven.
Although the full complement of nine Commissioners has been
appointed since the Act come into operation on 1 January 1974
the present workload and known future commitments arising from
references that the Government intends sending to the Commission
over the next three years have highlighted the need for the
appointment of an additional Commissioner.
The Prime Minister stated that Mr F. Pascoe, who was
recently appointed an Associate Commissioner for the inquiry into
the clothing industry, would be appointed as the tenth Commissioner.
Mr Pascoe has had extensive experience as a senior executive in
minufacturing companies and organisations. He is Chairman of
Directors, Australian Development Ltd., and a director of a number
of other companies. He was President of the South Australian
Chamber of Manufactures in 1972-73, and is the first President
of the Amalgamated Chamber of Manufactures and Chamber of Commerce,
South Australia. Mr Pascoe is currently Deputy President of the
Associated Chambers of Manufactures of Australia.
Mr Wvhitlam also said that the Acting Premier of New
South Wales, Sir Charles Cutler has agreed to make the services
of Dr Dun of the N. S. W. Department of Agriculture available to
the IAC for inqiuiry into the financing of rural research, subject
to certain administrative arrangements being satisfactorily