PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003310.pdf 8 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

1 July 1974
The Prime minis-ter today announced the names of 46
new members of the Australian Council for the Arts and its
seven specialist boards. These new members will replace
foundation members of the Council and Boards whose terms end
on 30 June. In announcing the names the Prime Minister said that
he had decided to implement at this stage the principle of
rotating membership on which the new organisation would be based.
The system meant that the Council and Boards would have an annual
changeover of a proportion of the membership while keeping a
working continuity of experienced people. Over a period of
years this system would enable many Australians to participate
in the work of the Council. It would also ensure a flow of
new ideas and values.
The Prime Minister said that the list of new appointments
included many people who had put their names forward in response
to a public request by the Council for people wishing to serve
in this way. The Prime Minister expressed his thanks to the many
hundreds of people who had offered their services. He said that
these names would be kept on a list for future reference when new
vacancies occurred. The enthusiastic response from such a wide
sector of the community was a matter for great encouragement.
Mr Whitlam said that he wished to express his great
gratitude to those members ending -their terms of office. " The
establishment phase of any new national institution necessarily
involves a period of difficulty and considerable dedication on the
part of those involved," he said. " In the case of the Council for
the Arts, many of Australia's best artists and many people from
the general community with very heavy personal responsibilities
have been willing to give most generously of their time and interest
to plan an organisation appropriate to the particular needs of the
arts and to sit on boards and committees to establish policies
and decide on financial allocations. Without the generosity and
enthusiasm of these people we would not have succeeded in generating
the degree of activity and wide interest in the arts which have
become apparent over the last 18 months. The sacrifices made by
members with busy careers indicate a dedication to the interests
of the arts of which Australia may feel truly proud".

Mr Whitlam said that the new appointments had been
made with a particular eye to one aspect of Government policy in
the arts namely the aim of increasing awareness, appreciation
and participation in the arts throughout the general community.
" We must at all times ensure through the Council for the Arts
that Australia provides for the interests of its best professionals
and enables people to plan and pursue careers in the arts at the
very highest level in their own cou ' ntry. However this objective
would be empty without a commensurate degree of community
interest and involvement," the Prime Minister said. " Many of the
new members will be able through their background and experience to
contribute to policies which will enable the arts to pervade the
whole texture of our society so that no citizen will be deprived
of an opportunity to enjoy what the arts have to offer either as
a participant or as a member of -the interested public."
The list of members appointed from 1. July is as
follows: COUNC IL
CHAIRMAN Professor P. KarmelA. C. T. Chairman, Australian
Universities Commission
GENERAL Mr J. Menadue,
Mrs B. Burstall
Mr Justice R. M. Hope
Mr C. P. Bogard
Dr K. McKinnon
Mr W. Curran N. S. W.
Victoria N. S. W.
N. S. W.
A. C. T.
Victoria Managing Director,
News Ltd.
Teacher: La Mama Theatre
Chairman, Old Tote Theatre
Managing Director, Home
Units of Australia Pty Ltd:
Director, Nimrod St
Theatre. Chairman, Australian
Schools Commission
Secretary, Australian
Meat Industry Employees'
Union: Potter
Mr E. Costanzo
Mrs Nancy Keesing
Mr John Mostyn
** Mrs Marea Gazzard
** Mr John Baily N. S. W. Editor " La Fiamma"
( See Board Lists for State and
Literature Board
Theatre Board
Crafts Board
Visual Arts Board

** Mr Phillip Adams
** Mr Ken Tribe
** Mr Dick Roughsey
GOVERNMENT, Sir John Bunting, C. B. E.
Mr A. P. Renouf, O. B. E.
Mr J. H. M. Oswin
ARTISTS Mr David Williamson
Professor Ian Turner
Miss Doreen Warburton
Mrs Barbara Manning
Mr John Curro
Mrs Joan Campbell
CHAIRMAN Mr John Mostyn
Mr Colin Cave
Mr Anthony Steel
Mr Tom Brown
Mrs Patricia Wynn
Mr Don Crosby
Mrs Dorothy Sherry
Mr John Sumner Film and Television Board
Music Board
Aboriginal Arts Board
Department of
Cabinet Department of
Department of
Victoria Victoria N. S. W.
Tasmania Queens land
W. A.
N4. S. W.
Victoria S. A.
N. S . W.
S. A.
N. S. W.
Tasmania Victoria the Prime Minister and
Foreign Affairs
the Media
Playwright Writer: Associate
Professor of History,
Monash University
Director, Q Theatre:
Actress Director: Theatre in
Education Conductor, Queensland
Youth Orchestra
Potter Chairman, Friends of the
Opera Director, Adult Education
Theatre Administrator
Theatre Consultant
Theatre patron
Actor Board member Tasmanian
Youth Theatre: Theatre
Royal Director and Administrator,
Melbourne Theatre Co.
/ 4

Miss Tessa Mallos
Dr Allan Coles
Mr William Hannan
Mr John Baily
Mr R. Robertson-Swann
Mr David Thomas
Mr Fred Williams
Mrs Ann Lewis
Mr James Gleeson
Mr Geoff Parr
Mr James Davenport
Mr Neil Clerehan
Professor Ralph Elliott
Miss Lenore Nicklin
SMr Ken Tribe
Mr Don Banks
Mr John Hopkins
Mr John Painter
Mrs Elizabeth Silsbury
Mr Bruce Clarke -4-
N. S. W.
Queens land
Victoria Adelaide N. S. W.
N. S. W.
Victoria N. S. W.
N. S. W.
Tasmania N. S. W.
A. C. T.
N. S. W.
N. S. W.
A. C. T.
Victoria N. S. W.
S. A.
Victoria Actress Head, Department of
Physical Education,
Queensland University
Writer: Director:
Teacher engaged in migrant
education. Gallery Director
Sculptor: teacher
Gallery Director
Painter Private Gallery
Painter: Writer
Photographer: Painter
President, Contemporary
Art Society
Architect Master of University House:
President, Australian
Society for Education
through Art
Lawyer: President,
Musica Viva
Composer Victorian College of Arts:
Conductor Cellist Teachers' College, S. A.,
Music Education
Composer of Contemporary,,
POP, Rock and Jazz Music

Mr Craig McGregor
Mr Harry Bluck
Mr John Winther
Mrs N. Giese
Mr Mike Williams N. S. W.
W. A.
N. S. W.
N. T.
N. S. W. Music Critic and Writer
Secretary, W. A. Branch
Musicians' Union of
Australia General Manager,
Australian Opera
President, Arts Council
of Australia DivisiorO
Journalist, Jazz Performer
Chairman Mrs Marea Gazzard
Mr Les Blakeborough
Mrs J. de Gruchy
Mr M. Isaacs
Mr R. J. Richards
Mr F. Belgiorno-Nettis
Mr T. Heath
Mrs Solvig Baas-Becking
Mr Dennis Colsey
Mrs Karin Le Mercier
Mr Ross Hohnen
Chairman Mr Phillip Adams
Mr Tom Jeffrey
Mrs Dawn Brown N. S. W.
Tasmania Queensland N. S. W.
S. A.
N. S. W.
N. S. W.
A. C. T.
Victoria S. A.
A. C. T.
Victoria N. S. W.
Victoria Potter Potter Designer: Gallery
Director Solicitor, patron
Jeweller: Curator
Architect: Writer
Weaver: President Crafts
Association, A. C. T.
Designer: Chairman,
Regional Galleries
Association of Australia
Manager Design Centre,
Adelaide President, Industrial
Design Council
Film Producer
President, P. D. G. A.:
T. V. Producer
Teacher: Film
appreciation / 6

Mr Jim McQuaid
Mr R. Mason
Mrs Irma Whitford
Miss Patricia Longmore
Mr Ross Tzannes
Dr Peter Pockley
Mr William Ferris
Mr M. Carroll
SMiss Nancy Keesing
Mr Tom Shapcott
Mr Richard Walsh
Mr David Malouf
Mr Richard Hall
Miss Elizabeth Riddell
Miss Rosemary Wighton
Mr V. Williams
Mrs Lorna Hannan
Mr Noel McCainsh
Mr Barrett Reid N. S. W.
N. S. W.
W. A.
Victoria N. S. W.
N. S. W.
N. S. W.
S. A.
N. S. W.
Queensland N. S. W.
N. S. W.
N. S. W.
N. S. W.
S . A.
W. A.
Victoria Queens land
Victoria Theatrical Employees'
Union Film Producer
Eduction Officer, W. A.
Secondary Teachers'
College: Producer,
Film and Video Material
Film Maker
Lawyer: President, Sydney
Film Festival
Adviser, Public Affairs,
University of New South
Wales Managing Director,
International Venture
Corporation Associate Producer,
S. A. Film Corporation
Poet: Novelist
Accountant: Poet
Publisher: Writer
Education: Poet
Playwright Poet: Journalist
Writer and Editor
Writer: Teacher
English Department, James
Cook University of
Northern Queensland:
Editor. Poet: Librarian / 7

Chairman Mr Dick Roughsey
Mr Mick Miller
Mrs Vi Stanton
Mr Albert Lennon
Mrs Kitty Dick
Mr Wandjuk Marika
* Mr Harold Blair
Mr Albert Barunga
Mr Terrence Widders N. T.
Queens land
N. T.
N. T.
Queens land
N. T.
Victoria W. A.
N. S. W. Aboriginal painter and
writer School teacher of Cairns.
Member of Association for
Cultural Education of
Children of the Peninsula.
Has great knowledge of
North Queensland where he
is well known.
Part-Aboriginal deeply
involved in giving
encouragement in arts and
craft activities to
Northern Territory
Aboriginal women, Vice-
President of No.. Themn
Territory Aboriginal
Development Foundation.
A leading member of the
Pitjantjatjara of northwest
South Australia.
A leader in ceremonial
life among the women of
Weipa in north Queensland.
Tribal leader at Yirrkala
in Arnhem Land. Known
for his deep understanding
of traditional life.
N oted tenor engaged as
a music teacher with the
Victorian Education
Department. Sponsor of
the Harold Blair Holiday
Scheme for Aboriginal
children from outback
areas. Leading Aboriginal
councillor at Mowanjum in
Western Australia and
member of many Aboriginal
Armidale Teachers' College.
Involved in country
program for the revival
of interest in traditions.
Trainee film maker. / 8

* Mr Ken Colbung
Mr Samuel Gararaj
Mr Edward Koiko Mabo
Mr Jack Phillipus
Ms Leila Rankine
Mr William Reid W. A.
Darwin, N. T.
Townsville Queens land
Alice ' Springs
S. A.
Bourke, N. S. W. Co-ordinator of Aboriginal
Cultural Enterprise
Society, Perth. Active in
fostering the arts in the
Aboriginal urban
communities. Traditional artist of the
local school and leading
figure in community
affairs. A Murray Islander, living
in Townsville. Responsible
for establishment of
Townsville Aboriginal
Advancement League, Black
Community School and
Aboriginal Legal Service.
A talented performer of
both traditional and
contemporary Torres
Straits song and dance.
Traditional artist and
ritual leader.
Actively involved in the
Institute of Narrative
and Music of Aborigines
Active in Aboriginal
advancement and welfare
projects. Expert
Continuing member but not as Chairman
** Continuing Chairman
* Continuing member