PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003234.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

K. u MU I __ M
2 May 1974
( 3The Prime iMinister, Mr. Whitiam, said that the Au stUr alian
Government warmly applauded the decision of the Conciliation andl
SArbitra:: tion Commission to bring the minimum w. ac -e for wo2Ycflr uncCr
federal awards up to the level of that determined for men.
Q " This is a significant step forward in the application
of the principle of economic,; c remunera-tzion ror workP of: ecual value
to the award wage structCure of" this country.
" The Labor Government has cons1stentl y sup~ ported th e
adoptL'ion of" this basic hum-,-an righIt s p.~ Cil. Th_) i s iLs an
indication of the Labor Governmen-ti' s consistent-support f or -Ja0
" It sutpor* L. Cd the principle of equal pa vjt:~ Cr C
value when it sought successfully to re-c-Pen theNain! cecrJ
caesrme.) n comin -o o:-o 7e~ CY in
' 3tmpioyees -thapransi ng It in ova:-two an a half vears
oas allowed by the Cori-amision in that case.
" It amended the ConciliLation and Arbitration Act to d& e,-t
the discriminatory reference t* o a minimioum wage for adult -males.
" It strongly supported the ACTU aolication for an equa.
minimnum wage for women.
Today's decision bv~ the Coimmissaion is a further significant
step to the Government's goal of-L rat-ifying I. L. O. 7qual Pay
Convention ( No. 100) of 1951. There iLs now -full ccoliance wt
the requirements of the convention in those areas wa,; cre the
Australian Government can take actCion.
" Three States ( Victoriai, South Au-stralIia nnd Tasmana) hv
agreed to ratification, and, consul'Cation is continuincr as amzo
ofr urgency witCh the other three Sikts to obtain their areet3
ratification Without delay. Conventio-n No. 100 is the only lLO
lHum-an Rights Convntio whi* ch TAust ralia is yc t-to rati'-_ fv, and
Au~ stralian Gover-nn is treating. ct arly : ratificaL-on as a ar
O~ cn , r " the international level> zta i. r
or women.