P. M. No. 19/ 1961
EMBARGO: Not for publication or broadcast before 9 p. m.
Statement by the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. R. G. Menzies
In my statement on 21st February, 1961 on economic
policy I said that the Commonwealth Government had under
consideration some large public works which seemed likely to
contribute in a substantial way to the development of our
national resources and, particularly, to the expansion of
export production. It would not be possible I pointed out,
for the Commonwealth to provide during 1961 largo additional
amounts for these works. However, I went on to say, so that
there would be no avoidable delay in having these works put
in hand when circumstances permitted, lowcre prepared to do
what we could to facilitate prompt detailed planning. To
this end, we proposed to put ourselves into touch with the
relevant State Governments at an early date.
We have done this and have made good progress. Of
course, much detailed planning remains to be done but
practical results have already boon achieved. For example an
early start is being made by the Queensland Government on the
Normanton to Julia Creek Road in the beef cattle country of
Queensland. Moreover, following discussions between the Commonwealth
and the Western Australian Governments at both the Ministerial
and official levels, it has now been agreed that the Government
of Western Australia should put in hand immediately the work
of surveying the route that a standard-gauge railway line from
Kwinana to Kalgoorlie would follow. Although the Commonwealth
still has to give further consideration to the State's proposal
for the standardisation of the line, it is prepared to make
available to ilestern Australia the funds required to meet the
cost of this survey. The survey is, of course, essential to
the planning of the project and the Commonwealth is happy to
facilitate the matter in this way.
In all these-itteri-the Coanaa6altfi will . bO6:.-ntinuing
its dtioussions withthe Stats Governments concerned.
CANBERRA, 9th May, 1961.
61/ 020
P. M. No. 19/ 1.961
EMBARGO: Not for publication or broadcast before 9 p. m.
Statement by the Prime Minister, the Rt. HIon. B. G. Menzies
In my statement on 21st February, 1961 on economic
policy I said that the Commonwealth Government had under
consideration some large public works which seemed likely to
contribute in a substantial way to the development of our
national resources and, particularly, to the expansion of
export production. It would not be possible, I pointed out,
for the Commonwealth to provide during 1961 large additional
amounts for these works. However, I went on to say, so that
there would be no avoidable delay in having these works put
in hand when circumstances permitted, wewere prepared to do
what we could to facilitate prompt detailed planning. To
this end, we proposed to put ourselves into touch with the
relevant State Governments at an early date.
We have done this and have made good progress. Of
course, much detailed planning remains to be done but
practical results have already beon achieved. For example an
early start is boing made by the Queensland Government on the
Normanton to Julia Creek Road in the beef cattle country of
Queensland. Moreover, following discussions between the Cormmonwealth
and the Western Australian Governments at both the Ministerial
and official levels, it has now been agreed that the Government
of Western Australia should put in hand immediately the work
of surveying the route that a standard-gauge railway line from
Kwinana to Kalgoorlie would follow. Although the Commonwealth
still has to give further consideration to the State's proposal
for the standardisation of the line, it is prepared to make
available to Jestern Australia the funds required to meet the
cost of this survey. The survey is, of course, essential to
the planning of the project and the Commonwealth is happy to
facilitate the matter in this way.
In all thos'a* itteir the Conmori6ialth -wi'l bo ontinuing
its' di oussions ' with-the State Governents concerned.
CANBERRA, 9th May, 1961.