PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003057.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

M/ 156 31 October 1973
Below is the text of the communique issued in Tokyo
on 30 October 1973 by the Prime Minister of Australia,
SMr Whitlam and the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Tanaka:
" The Australian Prime Minister and Minister for
Foreign Affairs, The Hon. E. G. Whitlam, M. P. accompanied
0 by Mrs Whitlam, paid an official visit to Japan from
26 October until 31 October 1973 at the invitation of the
Government of Japano
During their stay in Japan, Mr and Mrs Whitlam were
received in audience by Their Majesties the Emperor and
Empress and were given a luncheon at the Imperial Palace.
The Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Kakuei Tanaka,
Sand Mrs Tanaka hosted a dinner in honour of Mr and Mrs Whitlam
at the official residence of the Prime Minister.
During his stay in Japan. Mr Whitlam had talks with
leading Japanese figures in various fields.
V Mr and Mrs Whitlam also paid a visit to Nara, where
they had an opportunity of acquainting themselves with the
traditional culture of Japan.
Mr Whitlam attended, as the leader of the Australian
Delegation, the 2nd meeting of the Australia-Japan Ministerial
Committee which was held in Tokyo on 29 and 30 October.
Mr Whitlam had valuable exchanges of views with the
Prime Minister, Mr Tanaka, and with the Minister for Foreign
Affairs, Mr Masayoshi Ohira, on a wide range of major issues
of mutual concern in the current international situation.
These talks were held in a warm and frank
atmosphere reflecting the close and friendly relationship
between the two countries.

The Ministers welcomed the Security Council
Resolutions 338, 339 and 340 of October 1973 adopted for an
immediate and complete ceasefire in the Middle East.
The Ministers further emphasised the need for prompt
action to implement in all its aspects Security Council I
Resolution 242 of 1967, which in their view continued to e t
provide the best basis for a just and durable settlement in the
Middle East. The Ministers, taking note of the new situation in
the Asian and Pacific region in which the two countries are
located, and noting the signs of the relaxation of tension
in the Asian and Pacific region, agreed that the two governments
should cooperate with each other for the maintenance of peace and
stability in the region which has an important bearing on world
peace. The Ministers also noted that, in the new and
changing situation in the Asian and Pacific region, regional
cooperation would play an increasingly important part in the
progress and development of the region.
The Ministers agreed that the two governments shoul1d
contribute to the promotion of regional cooperation and the
enhancement of the spirit of solidarity, and thereby should
endeavour to meet the needs and interests of the countries in
the region. In this context, the Ministers noted with satisfaction
the participation of Australia in the Ministerial Conference
for Economic Development of South East Asia which was recently
held in Tokyo. The Ministers expressed their satisfaction at the
agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Viet-Nam Vp"
signed in Paris on 27 January 1973, and also at the agreement
on restoring peace and realising national concord in Laos of
21 February 1973, and the protocol to that agreement signed
on 14 September 1973.
The Ministers reaffirmed that all provisions of the
agreements should be observed and implemented scrupulIously I

so as to open the way to a atn ec naltecountries
of Indo-China, and to enable the peoples of those countries
to settle their affairs themselves peacefully without outside
interference. The Ministers agreed that in order to secure peace
and stability in Indo-China, there was an urgent and strong
need for all countries to extend humanitarian and economic
assistance to this region.
The Ministers affirmed the importance they attach to
the preservation of peace in the Korean Peninsula.
The Ministers welcomed the new developments in the
Korean Peninsula, and expressed the readiness of their
governments to contribute to the furtherance of peace and
stability in that area.
The Ministers recognised the importance of promoting
disarmament under effective international control, in particular
further effective measures relating to the cessation of the
nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament,
and expressed their determination to work for lasting world
peace. In this connection they reaffirmed their strong
opposition to the conduct of all nuclear weapons tests,
particularly in the atmosphere, by whatever nation.
The Ministers, reviewing the relations between
Australia and Japan expressed their satisfaction with the fact
that cordial and friendly relations in the political, economic,
social and cultural fields continued to develop.
The Ministers agreed that the two governments, with a
view to further promoting cooperation and mutual understanding
between the two countries, should consult together on various
questions of mutual interest.
It was agreed that the two governments would begin
discussions on a broad bilateral treaty which would help to
formalise stabilise and broaden relations between Australia
and Japan in the economic and related fields.

The Ministers discussed a wide range of economic
issues of mutual interest including development and trade of
mineral and energy resources, trade of foodstuffs and
agricultural products, and conditions for business activities
and investment. The Ministers agreed that it was essential for the
prosperity of both countries to promote further cooperative
relations between the two countries in the broadest possible
area on the basis of mutual benefit and advantage.
The Ministers, taking note of the development of
broad exchanges not only in the political and economic fields
but also in the cultural and academic spheres and a marked
increase of mutual interest therein, were at one in their
view that these cultural exchanges should further be promoted
in order to strengthen the friendly relations between the two
countries.* To this end, the Ministers recognised the necessity
of concluding a cultural agreement between the two countries,
and agreed that negotiations for that purpose should be
commenced at a mutually convenient time.
The Ministers, cognizant of the need for increased
contacts between the two countries in the fields of the
protection of nature and the preservation of the human
environment, agreed to commence, as a first step in
cooperation to that end, negotiations to conclude a treaty
on the protection of migratory and other birds.
Mr Whitlam expressed his deep appreciation to the
government and the people of Japan for the very warm welcome
extended to him, his wife and members of his party during their
stay in Japan. Mr Whitlam extended a cordial invitation, in the name
of the Government of Australia, for Mr Tanaka to visit
Australia. This invitation was accepted with appreciation.
The date of the visit is to be decided later through
normal diplomatic channels." e l