M/ 132 14 September 1973
The following is the text of a message sent today by
the Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Whitlam,
to the Prime Minister of Laos, Prince Souvanna Phoumas
" On the occasion of the signature of the protocol
annexed to the Agreement on the Re-establishment of Peaoe and the
Realisation of National Concord in Laos, I wish to express my
warmest congratulations and best wishes to you and to the people
of Laos. The Australian Government and people acknowledge with
O admiration your tireless efforts to produce a settlement which
will reflect the common desire of the Lao people to direct their
own affairs. In particular it is our earnest hope that under
your guidance the Provisional Government will pave the way for a
lasting peace in which the independence, territorial integrity
and neutrality of Laos will be respected by all parties and by
all nations. We in Australia look forward to t1 e continuation and
expansion of the warm and friendly relationn which have always
existed between our two countries and I would welcome discussions sss1
between our representatives at a time convenient to your Government
about ways in which Australia might assist the development of a
prosnerous and unified Laos.
Once again permit me to express my pleasure at the
achievement represented by the signature of the protocol annexed
to the Agreement on the Re-establishment of Peace and the
Realisation of National Concord in Laos and to wish you every
success in the tasks that lie ahead."; 0
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