PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002945.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

M/ 91 4 June 1973
The following is the text of a statement to mark the
first World Environment Day ( tomorrow, 5 June 1973) by the Prime
Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Whitlam, and sent
to the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program:-
" The annual celebration of a World Environment Day is an
occasion to take stock of the effectiveness of the policies and
programs instituted by the United N-ations and governments for the
protection and improvement of the human environment.
In associating Australia with the celebration of the first
World Environment Day, one year after the Stockholm Conference on the
Human Environment, I conf* my Government's support for the
principles and declarafion of Stockholm and Australia's intention
to " oursue international and dome-tic nolicies which are in full
harmony with the results and achievements of the Stockholm Conference.
My Government, conscious of the need for the Australian
people to be protected against major hazards to the environment,
has created three new Departments Environment and Conservation,
Tourism and Recreation, and Urban and Regional Development, which, ./ 2

in co-operation with other Australian Government agencies and the
authorities in the Australian States, are working towards ensuring
that Australians will continue to enjoy the nation's natural and
cultural heritage. We have established a Task Force on the National Estate.
The Task Force will advise the Australian Government on additional
measures and policies for the preservation and enhancement of
features such as historic buildings and towns, urban parks and
scenic reserves and areas along the coastline. The Australian
Parliament has established a Committee on the Environment and
Conservation. We are developing an environmental impact statement
procedure, the objective of which is to ensure that full account
is taken of the environmental impact of all proposed devc-onrments.
We expect that the implementation of this policy will be a most
significant innovation in the orocess of government in Australia.
The peoule of Australia and the Pacific area are currently
faced by a serious threat to their environment from nuclear weaoons
testing in the atmosohere. Principle 26 of the Stockholm Conference
declared that ' man and his environment must be spared the effects
of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction'.
The Australian Government strongly endorses this princinle and our
policy is directed towards ensuring th& t present and succeeding
generations will be spared the harmful consequences of contamination
of the environment resulting from nuclar weapons testing. o../ 3

Australia intends to play a positive and constructive role
in the work of the Governing Council for Environmental Programs in
keeping with the Council's responsibility as the major forum for
continuing international discussion of environmental problems.
It is of particular importance that priority attention be
given to the conservation of wildlife which is so essential inter
alia for the preservation of the ecological balance.
Australia welcomes the drawing up of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna
and we have also recently announced that we intend to join the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources. On behalf of the Government and the people of Australia,
I wish the United Nations every succeeds in its efforts to develop
effective practical measures of international co-operation for the
preservation and enhancement of the environment."