PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002896.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

M/ 72 15 April 1973
The Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Mr E. G. Whitlam, said today that he was greatly looking forward
to attending the Fourth meeting of the South Pacific Forum, to
be held in Apia, Western Samoa from 17 to 19 April, 1973.
He and Mrs Whitlam will fly from Sydney on Tuesday
( 17 Anril) and arrive in Apia the same day.
Mr Whitlam said that meetings of the Forum provided
an invaluable opportunity for the Heads of Government of the
independent and self-governing countries in the South Pacific
region to exchange views on matters of mutual concern at
first-hand and to get to know each other better.
In addition to the regular Forum members ( Australia,
Fiji, Nauru, New Zealand, Tonga and Western Samoa) the Apia
meeting would be attended for the first time by Papua New
Guinea and Niue.
Mr Whitlam said that ratters to be considered at the
meeting would include French nuclear tests, relations with the

European Economic Community, regional shipping, and the South
Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation.
" Long before my Government assumed office the Australian
Labor Party had carefully considered Australia's relations with
the Island States and Territories of the South Pacific region,"
Mr Whitlam said.
" It is the wish of the Government that Australia should
deepen its cooperation with its Pacific neighbours and, where
suitable opportunities present themselves, to initiate positive
proposals for increased cooneration."
Mr Whitlam said that Australia would be presenting to
the South Pacific Forum at Apia some new ideas to enhance
cooperation within the South Pacific region.
He regretted he would be unable to remain in Apia
for the full period of the meeting owing to his commitments in
London, but he was very pleased that Senator the Hon. Don
Willesee, the Special Minister of State and Minister Assisting
the Minister for Foreign Affairs, would be with him in Apia
and would take his place on the last day of the meeting.
Mr Wfhitlam said both The and Senator Willesee would be
accompanied by their wives. The Prime Minister's narty will
also include Miss Cathy Wbitlam and a team of senior advisers
from t" he Departments of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister
and Cabinet and Overseas Trade. / 3

After Apia, the Prime Minister and his party will
proceed to London, and then return to Australia via Rome
and Mauritius, arriving in Canberra on 30 April.