PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002872.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

Press Statement ED3.
Review of Previous Government's Programmes
The Prime Minister ( the Hon. E. G. WVhitlam, MP-) announcid
today t~} at the Government was establishing a high level " task force"
under the leadership of Dr, H. C. Coombs to undertake a close scrutiny
of the continuing policies of the previous Government. The de-cision to
undertake this scrutiny resulted from recent discussion by Cabtnet of
the broad question of expenditure priorities and the review would relate
to the spending programmes ( including " disguised expenditure" through
the tz; xation system)~ which were in being when the Government took office.
The Prime Minister said that, quiet apart from any other
consideration, thorough-going review of the policies of the previous
Government in these regards was highly desirable in its own right. Over
and above that, the Government and undertaken to introduce a wide range of
policies and programmes involving substantial expenditures of its own
and, in doing so, it would be important that it should have the widest
possible options available to it. Otherwise, there was a clear risk
that the introduction of its own programmes could be impeded or even
frustrated by the continuing demands on resources represented by the
programmes of its predecessors. The Government was determined to avoid
any such outcome.
The terms of reference given to Dr. Coombs, and the membership of
the task force he is to lead, are set out in the attached copy of the
Prime Minister's letter of 28 March to Dr. Coombs.

28 March 197?*
Dear Dr. Coombs, The purpose of this letter is to confirm to you the outcome
of our recent discussions, arising out of' Cabinet's Decision that
" Action be set in train to apply a close scrutiny to
continuing policies of the previous Government so that
room may be found for our own higher priority programmes."
As you know, I regard the importance of such action as
self-evident. Quite apart from any other consideration, a thoroughgoing
review of the policies of our predecessors seems to me highly
desirable in its own right. Over and'above that, we have a lot to do
ourselves and it will be important that we should have the widest
possible options available to us in instituting our own programmes.
In the light of our idscussions, I have concluded that the
only effective way in which the close scrutiny of the previous
Government's continuing policies can be carried out is through the
setting up of a high leveal " task force" for that purpose. You have
agreed to serve as the leader of that task force.
It is essential, I, think, to keep the task force small and I
am proposing the appointment of six people of appropriate standing and
capacity to assist you, namely
Mr. M. A. Besley, First Assistant Secretary,
Department of External Territories.
Dr. S. F. Harris, Deputy Secretary,
Department of Overseas Trade.
Mr. R. D. Phillips, Deputy Director-General,
Department of Civil Aviation.
Mr. J. J. Spigelman, Senior Adviser to the
Prime Minister.
Mr. J. O. Stone, Deputy Secretary ( Economic),
Department of the Treasury.
Mr. P. P. McGuiness, Senior Adviser to the
Minister for Social Security,
I am requesting that these officers should serve in their
personal as distinct from departmental or other capacities.
As leader of the task force, you will have the tight to call
on departments for such information, and for the preparation of such
papers, as you deem relevant to your enquiries.
So far as purely administrative aspects are concerned, you
have authority to make such arrangements as you deem appropriate in the
circumstances. No doubt those appointed to assist you would in any
case be able to draw on their own departments for " back-up" in the
pursuit of your enquiries.
In order to avoid any problems that might arise in preparing
a report from the task force as a whole, I am placing responsibility
for its report upon you personally. That is, I envisage that the
task force as a whole would discuss what should go into your report;
but you, as leader, will decide.

I should be grateful if you would arrange for your report
to be available to me well before the Budget. I would then propose
to bring it forward for consideration by Ministers in the Budget
context. Yours sincerely,
Dr. H. C. Coombs,
Bank House,
24-26 Ainslie Avenue,