PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002795.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

PS3STkr2_ i 110. 46'
January 1973
STAT2IA 0.-TI2G : 21 i: IuI3j
The Government ha-s decided not to proceed with,' a-ny of the
remaining cha-rges nrisin-~ out of the removal ofC the Aborigin-l Embrassy
from the front of Parlia-Mont HKouse la~ st July.
In ddiono action will be take._ in to collect fines
imposed -for of-fences dluring the demonstraions whichl were notv pa-id
by December 2 li-stu yev-. r.
The Govcrnment has also decided to pay compesation to any
policeman who was injured while th1-e 3rniassy was beingr, remOod_. r
ipolice were carrying 7 out theAir duty in accordr nce wTlth1 the policy
of. ' the thien Govornneont.
In the demonstrations ofi July 20 an-Ld Julyr 23 last yeair,
26 ~ woepie aresed n carges under ' he Police Cff~ nces
Cr0dinoaice of the A-ustralian Capta ' erritory and thI-e Crimes Act
( 11.27.) s aplicable in the, 1A. C. T.
Sevenlteen ofL-thlose larrested were dealt with before
Decem~ ber 2 -, nd th1-ree of those convicted ha, 1-ve ap-pocals pending before
the Su-oreme Court of the k-ustrnlian Capital Territory. In thie
Ouprem~ e Court on these appeal ca,-ses and in the remaining matters
in t~ ic Court of Pett'Ly 23essions, the prosecution il1l offer no
evidlence -to substantia-te the-. chzarges.
C . BF13 A k. C. T.