EMBARGO NOT FOR RELEASE Until 6.00 n. m. Sunday 21/ 5/ 72
FOR PRESS. PM/ No 50/ 1972.
Statement by the Prime Minister
The Rt iHon. William McMahon, CH, MP.
Invitations have been extended for the next annual series
of economi. c consultations between 7? inisters and the renresentatives
of national organisations to be held in Sydney from 31 M-ay to 2 June
inclusive. As agreed last year the consultations will extend over
three days so that more time will be available for discussion of
issues of particular concern.
On 31 May Ministers will meet national organisations
representing the Primary Industry Grouo and later the Manufacturing
Industry Group.
On 1 June reoresentatives of the ' anufacturing Industries
Advisory Council, the Export Development Council and the Australian
Mining Industry Council will have discussions with Ministers.
On 2 June Ministers will meet with representatives of the
Australian Council of Trade Unions and later with organisations
representing the Commerce Group.
Attached is a timetable showing national organisations to
be represented.
Canberra 19 May 1972
3 1 I-ay
1 June Primary Industry Group
Australian Farmers' Federation
Australian Woolgrowers' and Graziers' Council
Australian Wool and Meat Producers' Federation
Australian Wheatgrowers' Federation
Manufacturing Industry Croup.
The Associated Chambers of Manufacturers of
The National Building and Construction Council
Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries
Manufacturing Industries Advisory Council 11
Export Development Council:
Australian Mining Industry Council 0.00 a. m.
2.30 p. m.
0.00 a. m.
2.30 p. m.
4.30 p. m.
2 June Australian Council of Trade Unions 10.00 a. m.
Commerce Group 2.30 ip. m.
The Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia
Australian Bankers' Association
Australian Council of Retailers