PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

McMahon, William

Period of Service: 10/03/1971 - 05/12/1972
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002594.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • McMahon, William

FOR PRESS: PM. No. 49/ 1972.
Statement by the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. William
McMahon, M. P.
The Prime Minister, Mr. Mcahon today announce that a highlevel
delegation from Australia would attend the first United
Nations Conference on the Human Environment, to be held at Stockholm,
Sweden from 5-16 June, 1972.
The delegation will consist of:-
The Hon. Peter Hcwson ( Leader)
The Hon. J. G. Beale, A. L. A.
( Representative)
The Hon. V. O. Dickie, M. L. C.,
( Representative)
Sir Lenox Hewitt, O. D. E..
( Representative)
Sir James Plimsoll, C. B. E.
( Representative)
Sir William Refshauge, C. B. E.
( Representative)
14r. W. K. Pilz
( Alternate Representative)
Mr. J. C. Fraser
( Alternate Representative)
Mr. C. N. Barton, O. B. E.
( Alternate Representative) MSi nister for the Environment,
Aborigines and the Arts.
N. S. W. Minister for
Environment Control.
Victorian Minister for
State Development
Secretary, Department of the
Environment, Aborgincs and
the Arts.
Australian Ambassador to
the U. S. A.
Director-Gereral of Health
Under-Secretary, Department
of Environment Control. HSW
Chairman, Environment
Protection Authority, Vic.

Dr. W. G. Inglis
( Allternate Rc~ presentativa)
Dr. B. J. O'B~ rien,
( Alternate Represontative)
Mr. J. F. Pottinger
( Alternate Represi: ntative)
Mr. H. J. Higgs,
( Alternate R e* oe3cnt-ative)
A I. lMcCutchan
( Alt-. rnatc Rcnresontative)
Dr. J. B. .7. len
( 47l. tern-ate Renres,-: ntativa)
Z'r. G. Unkles
( Adviser) G. L. V. Hooton,
( Advi sor)
Dr. R. S. Merrilces
( Adviser) Director of En7vironment and
Consorvation, South Australia.
Director of Environment
Protection, Western Australia.
Director of Environmental Control
Tasmania. First 7-ssistant Secretary,
Detnartnient of tho Environment,
Aboriqinos and the Arts.
Senior 1' ssistant Secretary,
Donpartment of National Development.
i~ ssistant Secretary,
C. S. I. R. O.
Fir~ t As:. istant Sccretary,
enartment of Shirnping and
Tr ansrnort.
A ss is tant Si-crotary, Department
of Trade and Industr-y.
First Secretary, Australian ' Mission
to tho Uni t-ed Nations New7 York.
The A-ltralian ; Ajbassador
designate to Sw. eden, Pir. J. D.
P.. thrbridgea, ; swill join the
delegation in Stockholm.
M-r. IMahion said that Australia had boen one of the first
countries-to support the Swedish initiative to hold the Conferencc
and Australia has becn closely involved in all aspec-ts of preparations
for the Ccnferancc. Australian observers had narticinated in all
sossions of t-he Conferonck P-reparatory Conumittoo. Australian
experts h~ id attended all irc--: ting3 of intergovernmental working grouns
which hnad beer, convencd to prenare material for considercation at the
Conferonce. The Conference wil~ l consider recommndat ions on n rlyidc range
of onvirornmantal issucs, including the feasibility of a glob-al
monitoring system, environmental implications of development and
industrialisation, natural resources mpnagement, conservation and
the establishment of parmanent machinery to co-ordinate future
international action. / 3

Mr. McMahon explained that the Conference was an intergovernmental
meeting and that the Australian dclegation-had been
chosen from Commonwealth and State representatives covering a wide
range of environmental activites. The decision to include eight
State reoresentatives had been made in view of the important role . of
the States in environmental matters. The States had also
participated in the preparation of the Brief for the delegation.
Mr. !: cMahon said that the Government believed the
Conference to be of greatest importance. The problems of managing
the environment were among the most complx to confront mankind and
the Conference could not be expected to find instant or immediate
solutions for them. It would however be a first important step
in a long and challenging process.
CANBERRA, 14 May, 1972.