PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

McMahon, William

Period of Service: 10/03/1971 - 05/12/1972
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00002572.pdf 11 Page(s)
Released by:
  • McMahon, William

Statement to the House of Representatives by the
Prime Minister ( the Rt. hion. William McMahon,
Thursday 27th April 1972
I rise to inform the House of new
arrangements that the Government will make in
relation to science and technology in Australia.
These arrangements will involve the
establishment of an Advisory Committee on
Science and Technology and provision for an
appropriate secretariat. The function of this
Advisory Committee is to furnish co-ordinated
advice on actions and policies that would
assist in the alignment of our science and
technology, to our national objectives.
Honourable Members will be aware of
striking advances in science and technology over
the past half-century. A few familiar examples
come to mind radar, antibiotics, the jet engine,
immunology, satellite communications and
latterly, space exploration there are many others. / 2

After World War II, it was recognised
internationally that major investment in science,
in education and in science-based activities would
be a prominent feature of the future. Scientific
research in all fields has therefore received
increasing support from governments and as a
consequence, science and technology in their
totality have contributed enormously to the economic
and social advancement and the well-being of many
countries. Australia has both contributed to and
benefited from these advances. The Commonwealth
Government has been involved in the development
of science and technology in Australia virtually
from the time of Federation, and has played a
key role through the policies which it has
developed over the years to meet the changing
pattern of national needs and opportunities.
These policies comprehend the creation
of a resource of skilled scientists and
technologists, and the pursuit of rigorous
programs of scientific research and technological
development, both within the Government and
outside principally in the universities and in

industry. Some of these activities have been
undertaken in partnership with the States.
The Commonwealth has encouraged and
expanded the scientific and technological efforts
of its own agencies such as the the
Australian Atomic Energy Commission, and the
Department of Supply. Moreover, the Commonwealth
has developed schemes to provide financial support
for science and technology outside of its own
fields of immediate responsibility. For example,
research of high scientific merit is supported
financially through the Australian Research Grants
Committee; industrial research and innovation are
assisted through the Industrial Research and
Development Grants Board, and scientific work in
the fields of medicine and health services is
supported through the National Health and Medical
Research Council. One result of this support has
been the emergence in fields such as radio
atroriorny and medicine, of institutions which
have i. eved international recognition and have
become centres of excellence. The Government
will continue to foster the development of such
centres and in this context I remind the House of
the Government's decision to establish an

Australian Institute of Marine Science which
we trust in the fullness of time will achieve
similar international recognition.
The Government has thus played,
through its various policies and actions, a
major role in bringing Australian science and
technology to their present advanced state, and
has, I believe, abundant reason to be proud of
the record of Australian scientists in this
regard, The Government will continue to play
a major role in these fields.
The rapid, and at times spectacular,
advance made by science and technology in
recent years has brought with it a number of
problems. For example, some research has
become very expensive in terms of manpower,
money and equipment. Indeed some fields require
facilities which are beyond the resources of
almost any single one of the developed nations
beyond the resources, that is, if the country
concerned is to maintain balance among the
competing claims on the public purse. As a
consequence, countries have been compelled to
make explicit choice from among its various
scientific and technological projects and to

determine priorities for the allocation of
resources. There is an increasing tendency
therefore for countries to concentrate part of
their resources on particular areas in which
they have demonstrable need, expertise, or
unique environmental opportunities. In addition,
there is a growing tendency to avoid the national
development of large and very expensive projects
and to look towards the possibility of
co-operation on an international basis.
Another problem of increasing concern
to many countries, arises from the adverse
effects which have been recognised as flowing
from some applications of science and
technology. I need not elaborate in detail on
such matters as despoliation of national
resources. What I do want to emphasise is that
the Government takes the view that, before
deciding to support new areas of science and
technology, it is mandatory not only to assess
the potential benefits, but also to forecast
possible undesirable results. Only the best
advice that can be obtained for this purpose is
good enough. / 6

Australia has reached the stage where
it becomes more important than ever to judge our
priorities carefully because we cannot cover the
whole field. We are therefore obliged to make
decisions as to which of the demands should be
satisfied. It may also be necessary to create
opportunities for new scientific and technical
developments so that specific national objectives
can be achieved. We have thus two aims to
resolve the demands and promote areas outside
of these demands. Neither can be neglected and
a balance must be achieved.
The growth and complexity of science
and technology, together with the emergence of
problems such as those outlined have led other
countries to establish formal machinery for
providing to them expert advice on a co-ordinated
basis. While the Government has been aware of
these moves it has only reached its present
position after careful consideration of the
desirability for Australia to adopt similar
procedures. Up to the present time in developing
policies for science and technology it has been
our practice to seek advice through formal or / 7

informal channels from those sources most
able to assist. However, with the experience
of other countries as a guide and the increasing
range and complexity of the problems which we
face it is now timely to change our approach.
After examination by the Minister for
Education and Science of experience and
developments overseas, and following discussions
with leading industrialists, with the Australian
Academy of Science and with senior Government
scientists, the Government has decided to
establish an Advisory Committee on Science and
Technology. I should perhaps point out to
Honourable Members that the establishment of
similar advisory committees in other countries
and the problems tackled by them have led to the
use of the term " science policy", the meaning of
which is frequently misunderstood. Science
policy in the sense in which it is generally
accepted by governments implies a deliberate
and coherent framework for the provision of
advice on the size, structure, creativity and
utilisation of scientific and technological
research, as a basis for policy decisions on
these matters.

The purpose of this framework, in
the sense that I have described it, should be
clearly understood, It is one of the means by
which governments can be assisted in their
considerations of the various factors which
need to be taken into account in reaching
decisions concerned with the attainment of
national goals. The primary function of the Committee
to which I have referred and which will report
to me through the Minister for Education and
Science will be to make recommendations to the
Government, on Australian efforts in civil
science and technology. It will assess on a
continuing basis Australian requirements,
resources and potential in civil science and
technology and will provide advice on these
matters. The Government intends that the
Committee should make wide ranging and
comprehensive assessments of the scientific
and technological situation. It will advise
on such facets as long term planning, new areas
which are of importance to Australia, the
priorities that should be assigned to specific / 9

projects or areas of research, the means for
improving efficiency in the use of resources
and the effective development and utilisation of
scientific and technological manpower.
The Committee will be empowered to
undertake studies on its own initiative, in
addition to providing advice on specific
matters that are referred to it by the Government.
The Committee's interests will lie
mainly in the fields of civil science and
technology. It is not intended that it be
concerned with questions of defence science
except to the extent that these may be related
to matters that fall in its own fields of
primary concern. Nor is it intended that the
Committee's activities extend into fields of
medical research which are the responsibility
of the National Health and Medical Research
Council. The Committee will have a membership
of 11 distinguished persons with experience in
manufacturing industry, primary industry, mining
industry, commerce and finance and science. All
members, including the Chairman, will serve

part-time and will be appointed for three year
terms. Members of the Committee will be
announced at an early date. Senior Commonwealth
officers, including Permanent Heads, will not
serve directly on the Committee, but will assist
it as assessors and will be available to advise
on specific matters within their areas of
individual responsibility. It will be seen
therefore as completely independent.
The Committee will consult with other
relevant advisory bodies with a view to ensuring
liaison on areas of mutual interest and to
avoiding duplication of effort. It will submit
an annual report which will be tabled in the
Parliament. The Committee will have difficult
and long ranging tasks to perform and it is
serviced by a competent and high level
secretariat which, by the qualifications and
experience of its members, will be able to
provide the support which the Committee will
need. As I have already mentioned the
Commonwealth over many years, has played a
key role in the development and application of / 11

science and technology in Australia. However,
the Government recognises the important roles
also played by State Governments, by industry,
and by Universities. It therefore looks forward
to their co-operation in the work of this
Advisory Committee, in the belief that the
effective and balanced development of the
national effort in science and technology will
be in the best interests of the nation as a whole.