. J 3-3/ 1/ 72
2OR PRLE; S. Pi Ho-13/ 1972
Statement : by taze Primie Minister, M~ r W,-illiam 1.4Mion
P r es; i ] en t _ Zo earto -of Indonesia will . be. accorded full, cerem. onial
welcome on arrival at 1' air. aairn 3AAkAF Ba~ e, Canberra, on the evening : of
SunL~ ay, ie~ aruary, 6, -for a State Visit to -Au-tralia..
Preji~ dent aLid Aada:. e Soenarto. and party, will. arrive. direct from
Indonesia a~ joard a DC8 aircraft of ; aruda Ind-" onesian Airways at 9 p. m.
Th. ey wuil]. stay in ATustralia until the morning.. of Th-ursday,
!'& eruary 10, visiting CaM'Derra, keLourne and Sydney.
Tiie Inadonesian 1-iinister for Foreign-Af f airs, 114r, Adam M~ alik; . he
Ainister of -State for ' National Develotrient, Pro~ fessor W~ idjojo
Misiastro; tae Chie-f-of Staff of, tne. Indonesian Army, General Uniar
* iradaadixusummi~ a, -and tLie Secretary of St~ ate, -Major-Genera.. Sudaarnono,
A~ ll ampong tlie gru-p acompqany~ ing-tne-President.
At Fair! b. airn, tile President and ._!* adame Soeliarto will oe welcomaed
by tae Governor-General,.--Sir Paul Easluck, and Lady Hasluc'L, and the
Primte A4inister, Mr William i4cvia. ion,. and kirs Midxaaon. ' Cadets from tae
Royal Hiiitary College, juaitroan,-will1 provide a cer= r.. onial guard of
. ionour for tne Pra3i'dent. Army gunners Will.. fire-a 21--gun salute.
Pre-aident--Soe.. iarto main Canberra -engagements are to -attend a
Lunc'lcon at Par-iam~ ent-Hou--: and to officially open the newy chancery
b. uilding of the Lmjassy of Indonesia. Ile will also lay a wreathl atI
tic Australian War-liecrial,. . havo private talks. with. the-Prima i'inister,
noda ', csconfcrcncE,, meet rme rs--. of the Diplomatic Corps a3nd dine
formally at-Government._ ouse... ' adame Soedarto will attend. most
f unction... an4 will also vi sit -tae -iarymead-homes.-for-c~ iildren in
Narra.;: undah*. ' Pre. ient.. an.-* hadane SoehartLo will stay at-Govertument
house. Otlir mmem erL; of t. Ae part--will... stay.-at thieihote2., Can-oexrra---Rax.
Taie Preaidential p~ arty will.. Jeave Canberra-at. lO0. a. m.
on Tuesday-77bbruary 8, by RAAF BAC 1-11. aircraft for ielourne where
t.: ie Preaident's en-agemant3 include a civic welcome, lunc* heon with
-uinsrTatno-vai acia-tt tle 3tm-. and a S tate.. -' Government Rece-ption.
Tae-narty will leave id.-L~ ourne for Syd-ney at 9.45 a. m.. on Wedne: 3-
day, F-, Iruary 9. In Sydney the Pr-csident's engageinont-s will includec
a civ ic wol_ 3co.-e,--a mecting *' ith' tne Indoneszian community, ' businc~ smlon's
lunc. nioon., a visit. to a qlazs-making f actory, and a State Governmont
Receto.... 2
TAi Prcsidont an. i-adamo Coe_-,'. iarto and p~ arty : Aill leavc Australia
at on TL*-urdayL. i'oaruary 13., for ZZa; il and.". cAft. Gr ' 1aa, Z ealand
ta iparty will vi~ Zit t. ic D1dcl~ tiae ils of t~ C~ cr
proqjraa arc-
9.090 L ercpmo nial arrival at RX:,' AF Basc, iairi:) airp.
9.15 a. m.
9.55 a. m.
10.15 a. n.
10.20 a. rai.
11.20 a. m.
11.45 a. m.
12.15 p
to 3.30 . t
to 4.10 pm.
4.15 to
5.15 pm
5.45 p. m.
7.30 3. 111. The rrirmc lliinistor of Australia call3 ozn taco Pr-_ sid~ nt of
the1 MR) puolic of Indonasia at . aov.-r., mcnt I* OU110.
Tn_ Prc-side2nt vi~ 3it3 tIC-iustralian ry7ar M'emorial
-', iscussiof3 at Parlia-mcnt Kouse
T~ ie Prizient ancd So: e iarto mee-; t K*,: ad3 of Di 31omatic
issions and ivcs at Gov-.= rmant KOusea
Tao Prosidant and idadane Soo-arto att.--nd Lunciicon at
Parliament H-ouse.
Pr Confer nc;; at ' CLie Indonesian Em~ jassy Rsdne
16 :*' Onaro Crasca-: nt, . ad hill.
T. i-Prcesi1_ 1cnt officiallyv o-. cns Indonesias's new Caianc-ary
Courtesy Call on the.-ProsiJdont at Oover: nmient Efousc by
t'ue . Laad; er of the Om). orition.
ihe Proesicd:: nt and _! iadamL. 2 3oharto atte-_ nd a Dinner at
Gov_-rnrnnt liou: 3a.
10.00 a. m. Visits tiic 1arynoad Homes3, Gjoyde! r Stree t, Narra! Dundaha.
Commronwt-alta~ Pr-_ ss Liaison Officu r for thie vi: sit is Mr Nail Smail of
t~ aie liuGtralian *~ 3and Informatin Bure au.
Plione; Offica 707415
H omeic 863405
NOTE D t a11-: of taa l':_-Aourn; and sydney _ rograrnma3 will . bz
rcleased by State A*" uthcrities.
CAAB*: jT,,
January 1) 72 I