PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Abbott, Tony

Period of Service: 18/09/2013 - 15/09/2015
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
More Labor leaders support the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement means more jobs for Australians.

Trade means jobs, and more trade means even more jobs.

A fortnight ago, former NSW Premier and Foreign Minister Bob Carr came out in support of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

Last week, former Prime Minister Bob Hawke came out in support of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

Yesterday, South Australian Labor Premier Jay Weatherill came out in support of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

And, this afternoon, Victorian Labor Premier Dan Andrews has come out in support of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

The only person standing in the way of jobs and the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement is Bill Shorten – who is taking instructions from his union masters and the CFMEU.

If Bill Shorten and the Labor Party try to reject the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement they will be sabotaging our economic future and they will be turning their back on one of the greatest opportunities our country has ever been offered.

I say to Bill Shorten: listen to decent Labor people, and stop dancing to the tune of the CFMEU standing in the way of jobs for Australian workers.

This is a decisive moment for the economic future of Australia.

Australia has nothing to fear and everything to gain from freer trade.

We are in the right place at the right time, and – as far as my Government and I are concerned – we can, we must, and we will seize this moment.

1 September 2015