PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Abbott, Tony

Period of Service: 18/09/2013 - 15/09/2015
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A message from the Prime Minister

As we enter the final sitting week before the winter recess, the Government is getting on with delivering our plan for a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia.

The past week has been a week of achievement for the Australian people.

Last Monday, the Parliament passed the small business tax cut and instant asset write-off. Our Jobs and Small Business Package is about recognising and rewarding Australia’s two million small businesses.

On Tuesday, we secured Senate support for our plan to make pensions fairer and more sustainable and under this plan, 170,000 pensioners with modest assets will receive an extra $30 a fortnight from January 2017.

On Wednesday, we signed the Free Trade Agreement with China. This will benefit everyone by adding billions of dollars and thousands of new jobs to our economy.

And on Thursday, the Government launched a White Paper on northern development, setting out our plan for jobs, investment and infrastructure in Northern Australia over the next 20 years.

This week, the Government will introduce legislation to strip citizenship from dual nationals who fight with terrorists.

On this, there is a fundamental difference between the Government and the Labor Party.

Labor’s Shadow Attorney-General says about foreign fighters that “you should get them back here”. 

Well, this Government is doing everything it can to keep these terrorists out of Australia. 

If you fight with terrorists or plot against Australia and are a dual national, you should forfeit your Australian citizenship.

It’s a simple principle and one that Australians overwhelmingly support.

As well, in the coming week, I will be giving further details about the Government’s work to strengthen our defence force and prepare it for the future.

This Government is working hard to deliver the stronger Australia that we all want.

21 June 2015