PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Abbott, Tony

Period of Service: 18/09/2013 - 15/09/2015
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
Bossley Park, Sydney
  • Italian Republic Day
  • new measures to strengthen Australian citizenship
  • same-sex marriage
  • $5.5 billion Growing Jobs and Small Business package.
Joint Doorstop Interview, Bossley Park, Sydney


Welcome everybody to the Marconi Club out here at Bossley Park and it’s wonderful to welcome the Prime Minister out here to Western Sydney.

The Marconi Club is an iconic institution, especially for the Italian-Australian community. It’s been a club here that’s welcomed, that’s given support to so many of our Italian-Australian migrants, especially in times of difficulty and today they are assisting the community – particularly the ageing community – and it’s wonderful to be here at Club Marconi.

Prime Minister – welcome.


Thanks, Connie, and it is good to be here at the Marconi Club. This is a club that has certainly been very important in the lives of so many Italian-Australians, but it’s also been very important in the wider life of the community of Western Sydney.

Today is an important day for Italian Australians. It’s also a great day to celebrate the rich diversity of modern Australia. The story of modern Australia is people coming to this country from the four corners of the earth to build a better life for themselves and their families, to join our team, to have a go, to succeed. And that’s what we celebrate today – people having a go, succeeding and adding to the rich diversity of modern Australia.

Any questions?


Prime Minister, what do you propose to do about a torrent of leaks coming from Cabinet?


Well, it’s a very clear position that the Government has. We are proposing to strip citizenship from terrorists who have dual nationality. I stress: we want to strip citizenship from terrorists who have dual nationality. We’ve also released a discussion paper on citizenship more generally, but we are moving swiftly to strip citizenship from terrorists with dual nationality. I think the Australian people want us to take very strong action against people who are committing terrorism against our country, who have joined terrorist groups that are urging attacks against our country. And the big question today is what the Labor Party’s view is because my understanding is that the Labor spokesman went on television today and was unable to say where Labor stands on the question of stripping citizenship from terrorists with dual nationality.


But what about the leaks that have come from Cabinet in the wake of this decision?


A proposition was put to the Cabinet, the Cabinet supported the proposition, the Party Room overwhelmingly supported the proposition. The Government has a very clear position – and Labor doesn’t. Labor does not know where it stands when it comes to the issue of dual citizenship of terrorists. They don’t know where they stand. The Government wants to strip citizenship from terrorists with dual nationality.


There were reports though that a lot of the ministers were overwhelmingly opposed to some of those proposals?


False reports.


So, there was no split in Cabinet on those?


The proposition that was put was overwhelmingly endorsed by the Cabinet and by the Party Room.


Have you reminded ministers of their obligation to maintain confidentiality?


No – I’ve been telling the Australian people that they have a Government which is determined to protect them from terrorism. That’s what this Government is, a Government which is absolutely committed to national security and economy security. We’re going to keep the people of Australia safe – economically – and we’re certainly going to do everything we humanly can to protect people from the scourge of terrorism.


Prime Minister, on this issue – do you have the support of the backbench? And is it time to ban iPhones from Cabinet meetings?


Well, again, I just want to make the point that the proposition that the Cabinet supported was overwhelmingly supported by the Party Room and this is a Government which has a very clear view. We are going to strip the citizenship from terrorists who are dual nationals and I want to know where Labor stands on this.


What do you think of a compromise position that someone other than a minister could be authorised to revoke that citizenship whether it be a judicial official or something like that?


The position that we’re taking to the Parliament in a couple of weeks’ time will have two very important safeguards. First of all, ministerial decisions will be subject to judicial review. And second, no one will be rendered stateless.


Prime Minister, sorry to go back, but you can’t be happy that people are recording these conversations and then leaking them to the press?


What I’m very pleased about it that this is a Government which has an absolutely strong and clear view. We will strip citizenship from terrorists who happen to be dual nationals. That is our strong and clear position and I want to know where Mr Shorten stands on this. I want to know where Labor stands on this because no one can be happy about anything which appears to be giving encouragement to those who would do us harm.


Bill Shorten is tomorrow going to invite Liberal co-sponsorship of his bill on same-sex marriage – will you allow this?


Well, I’ve made it very clear that while this is an important issue, the Government has an absolute focus right now on getting the budget measures through the Parliament. And in particular, we want to ensure that the small businesses of our country are liberated to invest, to employ, to serve their communities and the best way to do that is to give them straight away the instant asset write off so that they can go out there and spend up to $20,000 and again and again and again, on the things that will help their business, help their staff, help their customers. That’s what I’m absolutely focused on – getting the budget business boost through the Parliament and I invite Mr Shorten to join with me so that this legislation can be passed as swiftly as possible this week.
