PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Abbott, Tony

Period of Service: 18/09/2013 - 15/09/2015
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  • Pakistan terror attack
  • Martin Place Siege.
Interview with Chris Uhlmann, ABC AM


Tony Abbott, Australia lost two people yesterday in an act of terror and the nation is mourning their loss. How can you put into words what the people of Pakistan must be feeling this morning at the massacre of innocence?


Well, it is simply impossible to put into words the mixture of grief and fury that must be felt by people in Pakistan and indeed around the world at this latest terror atrocity. I hope, I hope, in my deepest heart that somewhere in the hearts of people who might otherwise be attracted to this, there is a realisation that it is never, ever right to kill innocent people and that is what we have seen on a mass scale in Pakistan overnight.


And yet they are attracted to it – this does attract people.


Well, it shouldn’t. I guess one of the encouraging things is the way there is less and less of people trying to explain, justify or rationalise away terrorism in the name of religion. Whether it be in this country, whether it be in the Middle East, whether it be in the sub-continent fewer and fewer people today are trying to justify, rationalise or explain terrorism because it is simply evil – it is simply wrong.


But you constantly say these acts had nothing to do with Islam? Surely they do. These people define themselves by that.


Well, they certainly claim to be acting in the name of God. They claim to be acting in the name of religion but there is no serious religious leader who is defending this and if you take the ISIL death cult in the Middle East – it has been roundly condemned by all of the leading Sunni scholars. It has been roundly condemned. I think there has been fatwa after fatwa pronounced against it. The phrase I like to quote is my friend Prime Minister Najib of Malaysia who is a devout Muslim but he says that the ISIL movement is against God, against Islam and it is against our common humanity.


And yet the excuses are constantly found and the West is often blamed for these acts being at its root being in some way a reaction to something that has happened to them.


Well, I think that is happening less and less, Chris. I really do. I haven’t heard anyone talking about the Sydney attack in terms of some kind of justifiable response to something that Australia might have done. I haven’t heard anyone say that and frankly anyone who does even think that is dead wrong – absolutely dead wrong. This was the act of a deeply unstable person with a long history of violence and mental illness. This was the act of someone who is way beyond any mainstream – any mainstream – and has been rightly, absolutely repudiated by all of the communities of Australia.


And the question that many people will have today, given he was charged with not one but many serious offences, is why was this man on the street?


Well, it is a very good question and it is one that Premier Mike Baird is pondering. It is one that was certainly well and truly thrashed out by the National Security Committee of the Australian Cabinet yesterday. These are the questions that we will be asking ourselves, these are the questions that we will be having our officials ponder because he was a person who had been of interest to our security agencies, he was a person who was very well known to New South Wales police. He was guilty of many serious crimes including the crime of harassing the families of dead Australian soldiers. So, he was a very, very unsavoury individual.


And he wasn’t on a security watch list?


Not at this time, Chris, and that is what we want to know – why? We want to know why he wasn’t being monitored given his history of violence, his history of mental instability and his history of infatuation with extremism.


As you are saying; he was mentally disturbed, he was violent, his life was defined by radical Islam. On November 17 he posted a message in Arabic on his website saying he is pledging allegiance to Islamic State. He walked into that café almost three days to the minute after he lost a High Court bid over turning that conviction against him on sending hate mail to the families of fallen Australian soldiers. If he had been on a watch list all of the alarm bells would have been ringing.


Look, you are absolutely right, Chris, and look the note of admonition in your voice is justified. As you know the Commonwealth has, we have upgraded security, we changed the law…


You changed the law, you spent more money and the system failed.


Well, the system did not adequately deal with this individual – there is no doubt about that. This is why we have got to constantly learn the lessons of everything that happens. We have got to be constantly asking ourselves is this the best we can do and frankly we have got to always be better at this. If we aren’t good at this our people suffer. The tragedy of this atrocity is that two delightful Australians, two very decent people are dead, others are injured, others are traumatised because of a madman who was roaming our streets.


And where did he get the gun, Prime Minister?


Well, that is another question that will be looked at and we will no doubt find the answer in due course. These are very early days when it comes to this investigation.


He was judged not to meet the threshold for security monitoring. So, what is the threshold?


Well, the threshold is that someone is regarded as at risk of doing violence against innocent people. That is in a sense, in a nutshell, what it comes down to…


So, are you satisfied PM, are you satisfied with this?


Well, we can’t monitor everyone all the time. I mean that is impossible. So, we have to make a judgment: who are the people who are potentially violent and again you have got to look at the lists and decide where your priorities are. That is what we do. That is what sensible security agencies do.


You ordered an investigation; will it be transparent? Will the public actually ever get to see how the system might have failed?


Well, Chris, the public will have access to me, they will have access to Ministers and my intention certainly would be to publish a report on this. So, it will be out there for all to see.


Returning to where we began, Prime Minister – don’t Islamic leaders in the West have to have an honest conversation about what it means to their community that significant minorities within them support and sympathise with violent jihadism? Isn’t that conversation one that has to be had?


And I think it’s one that is being had all the time within these communities, Chris. I’ve spoken to Islamic leaders in recent months and they know that the victims of all of this include them because they are injured when any of us are injured. I mean this is the thing, all people are diminished when something like this takes place and the point I keep making is that every Australian is obliged to adhere to the law, every Australian is obliged to treat other Australians, every other Australian, with respect. And this mutual respect, this notion that we should treat others as we would be treated ourselves, this is at the heart of our society. I think it’s at the heart of all decent societies and I think all Australians regardless of their religion get that.


And this society is built on tolerance and open conversation and it is not Islamophobic to notice that this is a religion that is resistant to scrutiny or criticism, it is utterly incapable of laughing at itself and when it is criticised the reaction often tends to be violent.


Well, that’s certainly a point of view, Chris. I think that if you look at the history of Islam, it’s certainly been different from the history of Christianity, but things are changing all the time and what I hope to see right around the world is a spirit of pluralism, a spirit of engagement, a sense that diversity is not a bad thing, it’s a good thing. If you look at the Middle East, what you are seeing right now are a whole lot of new alliance because right around the Middle East people are coming to understand that this ISIL death cult has declared war on everyone. That’s the point – it’s declared war on everyone. It’s not picking sides so much as attacking everyone.


And Prime Minister, in a truly tolerant Western society of course we would hope for a day when Islam is so integrated that it can be criticised in the way that Catholicism is criticised.


Well, certainly Chris, over the years Christianity and Catholicism has been criticised up hill and down dale and you and I are both very conscious of that. But we don’t blame the Pope for the IRA and we don’t blame the Catholics living next door for the folly of some people – the folly and madness of some people – who may claim a Christian motivation and I think we need to be similarly careful and cautious in these other areas.


Prime Minister, thank you.


Thank you so much.
