PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

McMahon, William

Period of Service: 10/03/1971 - 05/12/1972
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002389.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • McMahon, William

reoTMU KI7_ T{? I1fW To/ 7Ch-Fq71
FOR PRESS: PM No. 35/ 1971
Statement by the Prime Minister, Mr. William McMahon
His Excellency the Governor-General has authorised me to announce
that there will be a swearing-in of certain Ministers into their new portfolios tomorrow
( Monday, 22 March). As a consequence, the Cabinet and the Ministry will then comprise
the following
1. Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister for Trade
and Industry
Minister for Defence
Minister for Primary
MInister for Supply and
Leader of the Government
in the Senate
Minister for National
Development and Leader
of the House
Minister for Education
af'i! Science
Postmaster-General and
Vice-President of the
Executive Council
* 11. Minister for Foreign Affairs
12. Minister for Shipping and
13. Mirister for Labour and
National Service The Rt. Hon. William McMahon, M. P.
The Hon. Q Anthony, M. P.
The Rt. Hon. J. G. Gorton, M. P.
The Hon. Itn Sinclair, M. P.
Senator the Hon. Sir Kenneth Anderson
The Hon. R. W. C. Swartz, M. P.
The Hon. B. M. Snedden, Q. M. P.
The Hon. N. H. Bowen, Q. M. P.
The Hon. David Fairbairn, D. F. M. P.
The Hon. Sir Alan Hulme, K. B. M. P.
The Hon. L. H. E. Bury, M. P.
The Hon. P. J. Nixon, M. P.
The Hon. Phillip Lynch. M. P. / 2

14. Minister for External Territories
Minister for Immigration
16. Minister for Social Services
17. Minister for Works
18. Minister for Civil Aviation
19. Minister for Customs and Excise
Minister for Air
21. Minister for the Army
22. Minister for Repatriation
23. Minister for Health
24. Minister for the Navy
Minister for the Interior
26. Minister for Housing The Hon. G. E. Barnes, M. P.
The Hon. A. J. Forbes, M. C. I M. P.
The Hon. W. C. Wentworth, M. P.
Senator the Hon. R. C. Wright
Senator the lion. Robert Cotton'
The Hon. D. L. Chipp, M. P.
Senator the Hon. Tom Drake-Brockman,
D. F. C.
The Hon. Andrew Peacock, M. P.
The Hon. R. McN. Holten, DA. P.
Senator L Greenwood, Q. C.
Dr. M. G. MacKay, M. P.
The Hon. Ralph J. Hunt, M. P.
Mr. K. M. K. Cairns, P.
I have proposed to His Excellency that Senator 1. J. Greenwood, Q. C.,
Dr. M. G. Mackay, M. and Mr. K. M. K. Cairns, M. P. be sworn as Members
of the Federal Executive Council.
The first 13 Ministers named will comprise the Cabinet.
I foreshadow that a proposal will be put before Parliament for the
amendment of the Ministers of State Act 1952-1968 to provide for an increase in the
number of Ministers from twenty-six to twenty-seven. Providing Parliament has
passed, and assent has been given to, the necessary amendments, I shall
recommend to His Excellency the appointment of an additional Minister who will
administer the Department of the Vice-President of the Executive Council. In the
meantime, the Postmaster-General will administer the Department.
at 2 p. m. Monday's swearing will involve nine Ministers. It will take place
I mention the following administrative arrangements
Mr. Wentworth and Senator Wright will continue their functions
in relation to Aboriginal Affairs and Tourist Activities respectively.
Mr. Peacock will continue as Minister assisting the Prime Minister. / 3

It is intended to appoint in due course certain Assistant Ministers
or Parliamentary Under-Secretaries who would be sworn of the Executive Council
and assigned to assist particular Ministers. At that stage the present " Minister
assisting" arrangements will be reviewed. I am of the strong view that it is
desirable to proceed on these lines, because of the growing complexity of government
and the need for additional members of Parliament to gain experience both in the
legislative and administrative fields.
I mention also that the outgoing Minister for Labour and National
Service, Mr. Snedden, now to be Treasurer, will, for the time being, have control
of industrial relations policy.
CANBERRA 21 March 1971 NOTE: This is embargoed until
10.00 pm, Sunday 21 March 1971