PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Abbott, Tony

Period of Service: 18/09/2013 - 15/09/2015
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Update to Parliament on Iraq Deployment, Parliament House

Madam Speaker, as a peaceful democracy Australia is reluctant to reach out to conflicts thousands of miles away but as this House knows, these conflicts can reach out to us. As this House has heard, at least 60 Australians are now fighting with terrorist groups in the Middle East and at least 100 Australians are supporting them with money and recruitment. The beheadings, the crucifixions, mass executions, ethnic cleansing and sexual slavery that we have seen in northern Iraq and Syria, are only the beginning if the ISIL movement has its way.

This apocalyptic death cult has declared war on the world and it must be resisted at home and abroad.

Two and a half weeks ago the Government pre-deployed a force to the Middle East, up to eight super hornet strike fighters, a Wedgetail early warning and control aircraft, a KC-30 refueler and a special forces contingent. We have not yet made the final decision to commit our forces to combat, but Australian aircraft from today will start flying over Iraq in support of allied operations.

Madam Speaker, I stress ours are support operations, not strike missions. Australian airstrikes await final clearances from the Iraqi Government and a further decision by our own. But from today our refueler and our Wedgetail will operate over Iraq in support of United States and other coalition aircraft.

Madam Speaker, because ISIL has global ambitions, our international security and our national security are indivisible. At all times though, the Government will respond in a prudent and proportionate way. The countries that are already conducting combat operations to disrupt and degrade ISIL include the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Jordon, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands have publicly declared their intention to join combat operations.

Madam Speaker, Australia can’t change the world but we can make a difference. Our objective is to support governments that neither commit genocide against their own people nor permit terrorism against ours. Our objective is to allow people to live their own lives in their own way and to worship in whatever way they choose. I salute our armed forces in the Middle East who fight for the universal decencies of mankind.

In these difficult times the cooperation, even friendship, now growing between former rivals and the growing realisation, even in the Middle East, that there is no such thing as good terrorism should be of some comfort – and as always Madam Speaker, the Australian Government will do whatever is possible to keep our people safe.
